Update: According to Ethan Klein, the cybersquatting lawsuit filed by Kavanaugh earlier this week was thrown out.
Original Article: Ethan Klein released a new video on Wednesday, updating his fanbase on the ongoing lawsuits from Ryan Kavanaugh against him. In the video, Klein revealed that he is being sued for a fourth time by Kavanaugh, this time over the satire website https://doesryankavanaughlooklikeharveyweinstein.com, which compares Kavanaugh's face with Weinstein's face, ostensibly so people can tell the two apart.
"Ryan Kavanaugh filed a UDRP to try to take down the website," Klein explained. "He is saying we are cybersquatting on the domain. . . We just went through this process, there was a website called Teddyfresh.net, they were using our photos, using our models, they were using our product shots, they were selling our clothes, I don't know what they were [actually] selling."
He continued, "because they were impersonating us, there was a panel and everything, we finally were able to take back the domain, so now when you go to teddyfresh.net redirects back to our website."
The process Klein is referring to is called Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy, which governs domain name registrars and bans the impersonation of well known sites. The process is now reportedly being used by Kavanaugh to take down a satire site that compares him to Weinstein. Klein called this use of the process a "misuse" and said that Kavanaugh might have been hoping that they don't respond, which leads to a default judgment in favor of the complainant. Klein made it clear that he intends to fight the new claim, and will keep https://doesryankavanaughlooklikeharveyweinstein.com online.
The latest legal action against Klein comes as he is facing a defamation lawsuit from Kavanaugh, which alleges Klein defamed him in numerous ways, including alleging that Klein bought paid traffic to harass Kavanaugh, promoted unsavory stories via SEO, and referenced news articles about Kavanaugh on his podcast that made Kavanaugh look bad. Kavanaugh's company Triller is also suing Ethan and H3H3 Productions for piracy due to Klein showing a brief clip of the Jake Paul vs. Ben Askren fight that took place last year on his H3 Podcast.
The Kleins are no stranger to lawsuits. They won a landmark fair use lawsuit against Matt Hosseinzadeh in 2017 and recently announced their intention to sue the Korean media company MBC, who copyright struck their channel over a Klein watching a clip of one of their shows on the H3 podcast after the MBC show used one of H3H3's own clips without permission in it.
Aaron is an esports reporter with a background in media, technology, and communication education.
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