Disclaimer: This article contains curated tips, guides, other useful information posted on Inven KR by the users. Please note that such guides and information are not objective truths and may not reflect the latest patch or meta changes.
Original Guide from BDO Inven KR by 츠바 [Tsuba]

■ Gears & Crystals
Hebetate Tree Spirit’s Armor / Black Magic Crystal - Cobelius * 2
Giath’s Helbet / Black Magic Crystal - Memory & Black Magic Crystal - Intimidation
Bheg’s Gloves / Magic Crystal of Infinity - Valor * 2
Muskan’s Shoes / Black Magic Crystal - Hystria * 2
Kzarka Amulet / Red Battlefield Crystal - Power * 2
Nouver Talisman / Black Spirit’s Crystal or Awakened Spirit’s Crystal * 2
■ Skill Builds & Add-ons

■ Combos
Combo #1: Midnight Stinger - Crow Flare - Beak Kick - Violation
A combo that will stack up 21 to 23 Shards.
Midnight Stinger (critical hit rate 40%) / Crow Flare (target’s attack speed - 15%) / Beak Kick (target’s evasion -9)
Choose between [Midnight Stinger - Crow Flare - Beak Kick - Violation - Cancel] or [Midnight Stinger - Crow Flare - Beak Kick - Backward Night Crow - Violation - Cancel].
Advanced version: [Midnight Stinger - Crow Flare - Beak Kick - Dark Flame - Violation] or [Claws of Darkness - Dark Flame - Violation]
The above combos are useful when you are grinding in Kamasylvia, where a lot of monsters have CC skills. You will be able to stack up 30 shards. Use Rushing Crow after Dark Flame if you need to. Alternatively, you can start the combo with Blade of Darkness. Use Blade of Darkness first and then use the Claws of Darkness - Dark Flame - Violation combo to recover stamina and guard against the enemy CC skill with Dark Flame.
The last part of the video shows another possible combo of [Midnight Stinger - Crow Flare - Beak Kick - Rebouncing Darkness - Dark Flame - Violation]. You can also use Blade of Darkness in the middle and escape with Rebounding Darkness or Nightmare and recover stamina.
Combo #2: Rushing Crow - Violation
Decreases opponent's’ magic defense by 15 and knocks down enemies (if opponents are not immune to CC.) Cancel Violation if you need to.
Combo #3: Rushing Crow - Claws of Darkness - Violation
This combo cannot be used if you have learned Flow: Rushing Crow. You can knock down your enemies as well as stack up Shards.
Combo #4: Midnight Stinger - Backward Night Crow - Violation
Use Midnight Stinger against multiple targets to stack up as many shards as you can. I recommend that you use Evasion in between Night Crow and Violation.
Combo #5: Midnight Stinger - Crow Flare - Beak Kick - Claws of Darkness - Violation
The video shows three possible combos:
Midnight Stinger - Crow Flare - Beak Kick - Claws of Darkness (3 hits) - Violation; for buffs, debuffs, and shards.
Midnight Stinger - Claws of Darkness (3 hits) - Violation; for buffs and shards.
Claws of Darkness (3 hits) - Violation; to get more shards.
Choose the combo that will give you what you need at the moment.
Combo #6: [Midnight Stinger - Crow Flare - Beak Kick - Turn Back Slash - Dead Hunt - Violation] or [Midnight Stinger - Crow Flare - Beak Kick - Turn Back Slash - Dead Hunt - Soul Harvest]
Use the former one to deal massive damage, and the latter one to recover HP.
If you have more than 5 shards after Turn Back Slash or Violation, use Soul Harvest and then the Q skill before moving on to the next combo.
Combo #7: Night Crow (Scythe) - Turn Back Slash - Dead Hunt (2 hits)
This combo allows you to use Dead Hunt smoothly, as you can cancel Turn Back Slash.
Other combos that begin with Night Crow (Scythe) are:
Night Crow (Scythe) - Turn Back Slash - Q (shards) - Midnight Stinger
Night Crow (Scythe) - Q - Midnight Stinger
If you don’t have enough stamina left for Night Crow, just use the Q skill followed by Midnight Stinger. Choose the combo you want to use after Midnight Stinger, and try to maintain the shard buff.
Example: Midnight Stinger - Crow Flare - Beak Kick - Backward Night Crow - Turn Back Slash
Combo #8: Combos with Dark Flame
If you keep pressing LMB+RMB after using Dark Flame, you will automatically use Rushing Crow, as shown in the video below. (not sure if this works with Scythe too)
Midnight Stinger - Dark Flame - Violation
Dark Flame - Rushing Crow - Violation
Dark Flame combos combined with Darkness Released
The combos used in the above video are:
Darkness Released (Rebounding Darkness) - Midnight Stinger - Rushing Crow - Violation
Darkness Released (Rebounding Darkness) - Dark Flame - Rushing Crow - Violation
Darkness Released (Rebounding Darkness) - Dark Flame - Violation
Darkness Released (+ Rebounding Darkness) does not consume any stamina.
[Dark Flame - Dream of Doom - Violation] and [Dark Flame - Rushing Crow - Dream of Doom - Violation] combos.
Combo #9: How to cancel after Grim Reaper’s Judgment
Grim Reaper’s Judgment - Midnight Stinger - Dark Flame - Violation
Grim Reaper’s Judgment - Dead Hunt (2 hits) - Violation
Back Attack will occur if you use Grim Reaper’s Judgment after Blade of Darkness.
Combo #10: How to cancel after Dream of Doom
Night Crow (Scythe) - Turn Back Slash - Midnight Stinger - Dream of Doom - Crow Flare - Beak Kick - Violation
Night Crow - Midnight Stinger - Dream of Doom - Crow Flare - Beak Kick - Violation
Midnight Stinger - Dream of Doom - Low Kick
Claws of Darkness - Dream of Doom - Violation
Combo #11: How to cancel before Blade of Darkness
Turn Back Slash - Blade of Darkness
Night Crow - Blade of Darkness
Beak Kick - Blade of Darkness
Rushing Crow - Blade of Darkness (not strongly recommended)
Dark Flame - Blade of Darkness - Rushing Crow - Blade of Darkness (possible, but not strongly recommended)
■ Videos
▲Desert Naga
▲Crescent Shrine
▲Sulfur Mine
▲Pila ku
▲Aakman (party)
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Comments :1
level 1 HardcoreYanna
In my opinion this is the best sorcerer guide right now https://mmoauctions.com/news/black-desert-online-grim-reaper-sorceress-guide