According to the Heroes 2.0 release schedule, a new Hero is planned to be revealed on April 25th. This is a week earlier than the original May 4th date and now coincides with a mysterious “event” and the announcement of the Nexus Challenge 2.0.
Take all of this information into consideration, including hints and clues throughout April, and a plausible theory emerges. Could D.Va be the next Hero to join the nexus?
• The last Nexus Challenge was an Overwatch / Heroes of the Storm cross promotion that encouraged players to play both games in order to earn free Heroes and skins. The original Nexus challenge offered the new hero, Zarya, as an incentive
• Since Genji was just released alongside an Overwatch map and a brand new hero will be revealed at the same time as the Nexus Challenge 2.0, it stands to reason that both Genji and this mystery hero might be included as possible prizes.
• The Blizzard French team accidentally revealed the gender of the May 4th hero to be feminine. They used the feminine form of the word Hero when the Heroes schedule was first released.
• 7 months ago, a data miner discovered this stray Kerrigan intro response that appears meant for D.Va:
VoiceOver/Kerrigan/IntroResponse_DVa00=呃……谢谢? /// Uh... thanks? 于9月20日PTR补丁被删除。
Considering D.Va is a pro Starcraft 2 player, it makes sense that she might gush over meeting Kerrigan in real life. This would explain the confused response from Kerrigan who isn’t aware she is, in fact, a video game character.
• With the emphasis of Hero voice packs in Heroes 2.0 and considering D.Va already has a voice pack in Starcraft, it’s reasonable to assume Blizzard would choose D.Va as an ideal hero to help launch Heroes 2.0.
This is all speculation, of course, and it’s impossible to know for certain which new hero will be released on April 25th. However, consider the last four heroes released:
Lucio: Support
Probius: Specialist
Cassia: Assassin
Genji: Assassin
For the sake of diversity, wouldn’t the next hero being a Warrior seem ideal? If you buy into any of these clues, can you think of another female tank hero that could be released alongside Nexus Challenge 2.0 that is as popular and universally beloved as D.Va?
Perhaps this Overwatch easter egg predicted D.Va in Heroes of the Storm all along!

All jokes aside, It’s hard to imagine a better way to kick off Heroes 2.0 and bring more players into the game. D.Va is arguably the most popular Overwatch character, and her being launched during an Overwatch themed promotion seems too good to pass up.
Let us know in the comments below if you agree with our speculation!
Warcraft 3 is my one true love and I will challenge anyone to a game of Super Smash Brothers Melee.
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