Despite coming this far and as the heavy favorites to win Worlds 2021, DWG KIA couldn't overcome the last hurdle that was EDward Gaming. After taking second in an incredibly tense, viewership-breaking grand final, DK sat down with the press for a surprisingly cheerful press conference... and got to dunk on Kim "Khan" Dong-ha in the most good-spirited, well-meaning way.
To kkOma: What’s the biggest thing you regret about today?
I think that if we had improved our draft just a little bit today, the results could’ve turned out better.
To kkOma: How did you rate Graves after game 4?
After seeing him in action today, I thought he was pretty strong in the meta.
To ShowMaker: What did DWG KIA lack in comparison to EDG today to have failed to take the win today?
I think that EDG prepared very well today, and I think that we lost because Khan didn’t play that well [laughter].
To the coaching staff: Can you tell us about the Yasuo pick today?
kkOma: When it came to the flow of the draft [laughter because of ShowMaker’s answer], we felt that Yasuo was playable today. However, our plans didn’t work out when they picked Zilean as their last pick.

To Khan: You played your 100th international game today, and it may very well be the last time you play on the international stage. How do you look back on your pro career from where you stand today?
I debuted when I was 19 and I’m now 27. I’ve somehow squirmed my way up for eight years and I’ve made it all the way here somehow. Of course, I’ve had my ups and downs in my career, but I think that without great teammates, I wouldn’t be here today. We did get second place and it sucks, but top 2 is still an achievement, so I hope that people send me off in a cheery mood. There’s no need to put the blame on anyone; the coaching staff and my teammates still have a bright future ahead, so please continue to cheer for them. Thank you.
To ShowMaker & Ghost: What do you feel was the biggest flaw in the team’s plays? Can you also tell us what the team talked about after the match?
ShowMaker: [Laughter] There were a lot of moments where we played poorly. Khan was at the center of them all [laughter]. After the match, I was just spaced out. Truth be told, life’s full of failures, right? This is Khan’s last press conference, and he told us to make this fun, so that’s what we talked about after the match.
Ghost: The thing I regret the most from the five games tonight was Khan dying a lot… [Laughter] After MSI, the team atmosphere got pretty dark, but this time around, we worked incredibly hard and did everything we can, so in terms of how we played tonight, we have no regrets, so we wanted to make the press conference fun.
To Canyon: Can you tell us more about the Baron sneak in game 5?
I just kept hitting it, and we somehow got it.
To Khan: With today potentially being your last time on the international stage, is there anything you’d like to say to your teammates and the fans?
First to the fans: Yes, we got second place, but it’s not like we committed a crime or anything, so I felt there was absolutely no need to feel sorry and depressed. I told them to send me off on a happy note, so please don’t say anything bad to them. We got 2nd place, but we were still on top of the LCK, and LCK has great teams like T1 and HLE as well. It’s natural to cheer for your region, so please help us be able to enjoy what we do as pro gamers.
Screw it, it’s my last press conference, so I’ll hog the mic a little bit longer. To my teammates: everyone worked very hard, and they should be proud of their work. Rather than feeling down because of the loss, I just felt that EDG prepared for today’s series very well. I want to thank them for dragging a guy that’s about to retire all the way to Worlds finals.
To ShowMaker: What’s the biggest lesson you’re taking back from this year? What’s the goal for next year?
There’s a lot I learned from Worlds this year, but it’s hard to talk about each one of them in detail. We got second place this year, but it’s one that I’ll remember a lot. Next year, I’m coming back to win it all. After second place comes first place, right? [Laughter] I’ll be back.

To Khan: Which year in your career do you regret the most?
It’d have to be 2020. I had a lot of fun and great teammates on that team, but we messed up by not making it to Worlds that year. I think I’m the reason why we didn’t make it, so I would like to extend my apologies to FPX at this time. Love you all.
To the whole team: It’s good to see you all in high spirits. For all the fans around the world, could you describe what it is to live the dream of being not just at Worlds, but in the finals?
Khan: First, Worlds is not a stage where you can just solo carry your way up. You have to have great teammates, great coaching staff, and even great management to help create a great environment for us to practice and improve, just to even make it here. The experience of playing at Worlds is a priceless experience itself, so I want to thank my teammates again for all their hard work on dragging my old ass, as they’re the ones that went through the most. I love you all.
Canyon: I love you all [Laughter].
ShowMaker: I love you lots! Fighting!
Ghost: All of this was a priceless experience, and it sucks that the fans couldn’t be here with us. If I get an opportunity like this next year, I really want to meet the fans. Thank you.
To Khan: You are very associated with Riven. Was there any temptation to play Riven in the final stages?
Khan: I actually wanted to play Ornn over Riven. I promised someone that I’d make an Ornn skin by winning Worlds, so I’m sorry that I couldn’t keep that promise [laughter].
To ShowMaker & Canyon: As there are a lot of people left surprised by today’s results, what would you say the main reason behind the loss is?
ShowMaker: I mean, there are a lot of reasons, but I think failing to pick up on the details was the difference-maker. EDG prepared very well for today.
Canyon: I remember an interview I did in the Spring split, where I said that Wei and Jiejie played very well. I lost to them twice, so I think I have a good eye for junglers. Also, there was a huge top gap [laughter].

Coaching staff: What would be the one thing that you would remember the most from this year?
kkOma: Our players made it to every single finals this season, so time flew by very quickly. I honestly don’t remember anything in the past, so the most memorable moment is right now. The players worked really hard and performed well, and it’s really good to be up here laughing and having fun.
To Khan: Is there anything you’d like to say to the young talent aspiring to become pro players?
Being a pro player will definitely mean sacrificing a lot, but there’s also a lot to be gained. I hope everyone works hard and takes pride in being a pro gamer. A few of you may end up on the Worlds stage and do one of these press conferences, and if you end up here after a loss, it’s not like we’re here to apologize for a crime. There’s no need to feel depressed, and I regret that I felt that way in the past. No need for all of you to be that way.
Ghost: I just want to say one last thing. I promised Daeny that I’d mention his name after winning the finals and recognize him as the "God of LoL", but we failed to win. I’m still grateful for his work though.
Khan: This is my last opportunity to do one of these official interviews. I did say there was something left that I want to say, but there’s about five things. First, I want to thank everyone on my team, from the players, coaching staff, to the management. I want to also thank the fans for all their support, and my friends and family for their support as well. I love my family to death, and I also want to tell my girlfriend that I love her for her support as well. I would’ve loved to say that after I won, but it sucks that I couldn’t.
Lastly, I learned a lot from Daeny. He joined at a time where the team’s atmosphere wasn’t really at its best, but he changed everything. I’ve learned a lot from him as well, so I want to thank him for that as well. This is a year that I will never forget, as it’s been a year full of learning from the players, such as learning self-control from Canyon, as well as a lot more from kkOma. I’ll apply what I’ve learned until I’m 70. I hope everyone stays healthy, and thanks for the great memories.
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