Our previous guide explained how to farm Legendary Mercenary Coins quickly with Consolation Coins. Since then, players have researched for faster and more efficient ways to farm specific Mercenary Coins. Fortunately, the effort was not wasted. Players found a new farming build called King Krush run.
For this run, all you need is a good King Krush. Although Maxed King Krush is not required, a higher attack means faster runs. Therefore, level 30 and Flaming Claws 4 are recommended.

To start a King Krush run, create a party with King Krush and the mercenary you want to collect coin for. You should only have two mercenaries in the party. DO NOT fill the other four slots. For this guide, we will use Diablo as the second mercenary.

Playing the run is easy and simple.
- Go to the Barrens Heroic mode and choose Air Elemental.
- As soon as a combat starts, click the "0/2 Played" button. Both of your mercenaries will be played automatically.
- Play Apex Predator and pass the turn.
- Watch King Krush kill all the enemy mercenaries with in a turn.
- If King Krush couldn't kill all the enemy mercenaries, play Apex Predator again to finish the combat.

Once you finish the bounty hunt, you will get four different rewards. Three of those will be from the guaranteed reward (Rokara, Cornelius Roame, and Cariel Roame), and the remaining one will be 10 coins from your party, which means that you will get the desired mercenary coin by a 50% chance.

On average, you will get 5 desired mercenary coins per run. This is already not too bad for a quick run. However, you can combine this with the Consolation Coin run! You can get up to 25 desired mercenary coins per this run, which is impressive for how short the run takes.

You might wonder why there shouldn't be more than two mercenaries in the party. The first reason is that the runs will take longer with more mercenaries in your party.
The second reason is because of Treasures. Not every combat can be finished within one turn. However, learning To the Death! will end every combat in one turn and make the run a lot faster. Having more mercenaries in your party will decrease the chances of getting a King Krush treasure.
If you don't get To the Death! as a treasure option, Windfury on Apex Predator will finish a combat within a turn most of the times.

With King Krush runs, you will get to quickly max out the meta mercs like Diablo and Cairne. Enjoy maxing your mercenaries!
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