A week has passed since the release of Mercenaries. Many players have moved on from the PvE farming phase to the PvP competition phase. On October 19, Tian Ding — Blizzard's Hearthstone Data Scientist — tweeted a list of top win-rate parties in Mercenaries PvP.
1. Party Details

Here are details of the six best parties in the current meta. Three mercenaries at the top are starting mercs, and the remaining three are bench mercs for finishing the game.
2. Cairne & Diablo — The Dynamic Duo of Mercenaries

Before going through the details of each party, there is one crucial thing to note. Cairne Bloodhoof and Diablo are included in all six parties.
The second and third skills of both Cairne and Diablo have great synergy. However, they are never starter mercs in any parties because the second and third skills have to wait for one turn cooldown. They are bench members waiting to finish the game after starting mercs are taken down.
The best equipments for Cairne and Diablo are Reincarnation and Magma Horns, respectively.
3. Varden Dawngrasp — The Best Starter

Varden Dawngrasp is included in 5/6 parties as a starting merc. Flurry is an amazing skill as it can deal six damage and slow down all enemy mercs. Speed is the essential factor in the current meta because mercs with slow skills won't even cast a spell before dying. Chilling Amulet is also a great equipment to stop an opponent merc for a turn.
In summary, most of the strong parties start with Varden Dawngrasp and finish with Cairne Bloodhoof and Diablo. If you are hesitating to choose which mercs to level first, these will be the safest pick!
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