Warzone Season 6 has arrived, and it brought with it a brand new Shotgun! The .41 Ironhide Shotgun is a lever-action shotgun that has a decently fast fire rate and a reliable 2-shot kill. You can also get a one-shot kill with this gun up very close if you dare wander that close to an enemy. While it may not become the meta, it is certainly a fun gun to play with.
Here is the best loadout for the .410 Ironhide shotgun in Warzone Season 6!
Best attachments for the .410 Ironhide Shotgun in Season 6
- Agency Choke
- 22.3" Reinforced Heavy Barrel
- Serpent Wrap
- SWAT 5mw Laser Sight
- No stock
Agency Choke
The Agency Choke helps keep your profile low by concealing the muzzle flash. It will also increase your ADS speed and your hip-fire accuracy slightly. This is a great all around attachment for the .410 Ironhide in Warzone Season 6
22.3" Reinforced Heavy Barrel
The Heavey Barrel is a great option for shotguns in Warzone across the board. The .410 Ironhide is no exception. The Reinforced Heavy Barrel increased the effective damage range of shotguns and increases their fire rate. The extra damage is a nice added reliability for this gun, while the extra fire rate makes the good fire rate on this weapon even better.
Serpent Wrap
Serpent Wrap adds a faster Aim Down Sight Time to your gun. That is a pretty helpful feature for this weapon, where a fast ADS in short-range can help you survive against SMGs like the Bullfrog. If you want to win that duel, you have to be quick on the draw, and this will help you pull it off.
SWAT 5mw Laser Sight
For those times when you don't have extra time to aim down sights for the improved spread pattern, you are going to want a laser sight. This will increase your hipfire accuracy by over 30%, which is great news for making this shotgun even more well-rounded than it already was. With the SWAT 5mw Laser Sight equipped, you can rely on the Ironhide's sights and hipfire alike in your CQB engagements.
No Stock
The No Stock option makes the most sense for a run-and-gun weapon like the Ironhide. While it will cut down on your hipfire accuracy a bit, it improves your sprint for fire time significantly, so its worth the tradeoff. The improved sprint to fire time will ensure that you always can get the drop on your enemy first in Warzone Season 6.
How to unlock the .410 Ironhide shotgun
You can unlock the .410 Ironhide shotgun at level 17 of the Season 6 battlepass.
Aaron is an esports reporter with a background in media, technology, and communication education.
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