On September 26, all four LCK teams qualified for the 2021 LoL World Championship flew to Iceland. Inven had a chance to briefly talk with DWG KIA top laner, Kim "Khan" Dong-ha.
How does it feel to head win the Summer split and earn the first seed for Worlds?
Fans must have high expectations as we are heading to Worlds as the first seed. As a team, we want to raise the status of LCK by playing well.
What did you do during the break before heading to Worlds?
After the finals, I headed back to my hometown for the first time in a while. I had good times with my friends and my parents.
It takes quite a while to fly to Iceland. What are you going to do on the flight?
It was supposed to take a lot longer. We get to fly in better condition because Riot prepared a private jet for the LCK teams. It's still a long time, but it should definitely help a lot. When would I ever fly on a private jet again? I want to thank Riot for it.
This is the second time you are heading to Iceland after the last MSI. Is there anything you are looking forward to?
Last time, I was excited because Iceland is very far away from Korea and famous for tourist attractions. As it turned out, I didn't even have any time to look around because of tight schedules. I don't expect much this time either. I consider this as only a trip to the tournament venue.
What are your expectations for Worlds meta?
It is easy to list playable top lane champions — Garen, Nasus, Malphite, Darius, and so on. I can't say which specific champion will be played yet. For the remaining time, I will experiment with possible meta picks to play.
Are there any teams that you are keeping an eye on?
I am cautious of LCK and LPL teams.
Your match against FPX and Jang "Nuguri" Ha-gwon is a hot topic. Do you feel any pressure for it?
Well, DWG KIA is Nuguri's home team and vice versa for me. There's a lot to talk about this matchup because only the top lane swapped compared to last year. I hope viewers enjoy the matchup. I always feel some nervousness going into a game. But I will do my best, so I can win against any team.
Any last words going to the World Championship?
As this Worlds should be the last competition in my career as a pro gamer, I will do my best to make a result that everyone can be happy about.
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