Nintendo shuts down Project+ tournament at Low Tide City, angering Super Smash Bros. community

Source: Nintendo


Nintendo is at it again. 


The Super Smash Bros. community has been at odds with Nintendo for as long as Melee has been competitive. And the frustration doesn't seem to be ending any time soon. Nintendo of America has just stopped another Project+ event from taking place. 


This time, the victim is Low Tide City. The tournament organizers for the major Smash event have removed the modded game from the lineup. This decision was made after Low Tide City was contacted by Nintendo. 


Low Tide City has also removed Beyond Melee and 64 Remix from the upcoming event. 


"We understand how difficult this is for these communities, and we will soon be contacting all players registered for these events with further information regarding refunds," Low Tide City said on Twitter. 

Nintendo continues to wreak havoc on Super Smash Bros. esports scene


This is the third time that Nintendo has demanded a modded version of Super Smash Bros. be removed from a major Smash tournament. This includes Riptide, a big Smash tourney that took place a week ago. Before that, Beyond the Summit was told to remove Project+ from the Mainstage 2021 game roster. That's three majors in one month. 


It's clear that Nintendo isn't planning to let up any time soon. The company is clearly paying close attention to the Smash scene, ensuring that no modded games are included in any events. 


Last November, The Big House Online made headlines when it removed the Slippi Melee mod from its virtual tournament. This came after Nintendo send the tournament organizers a cease and desist. In response, The Big House said they were "heartbroken" with Nintendo's actions. The community as a whole seemed to feel similarly, with #FreeMelee trending all over the internet. 



Super Smash Bros. community fights back against Nintendo


The Smash community was not surprised by Nintendo's decision. In fact, they were prepared for this to happen. Right when Low Tide City announced the removal of Project+, another Project+ tournament was revealed. 


The one-day event will take place on October 2, coinciding with Low Tide City. Registration will be private and details are only available by request. 



What is Project+ in Super Smash Bros.?


Project+ is basically a mod of a mod. It's the gameplay modification of the Super Smash Bros. Brawl mod, Project M. It was originally created to balance all of the fighters on the roster by focusing on small moveset changes to almost every character. It's fan-made and totally free. 



Project+ was developed throughout 2018 and was released in April of 2019. It became an instant hit, being downloaded over 100,000 times on the primary site alone. It has continued being extremely popular, usually preferred over Project M. 


Some of the new moves include Bowser shooting fireballs instead of breathing fire, Peach getting a new aerial down special, Charizard learning Firepunch, and Kirby getting a new down special. 


A second version was revealed in March of 2020, including new modes and revamps to some character movesets. 


Nintendo has always been against Project+ and other fan-made games based on their own titles. Nintendo is very protective of its copyrights because it helps increase the value of their games. Fan games infringe on copyrights and trademarks. But fans are confused why Nintendo would be as passionate about older games that are no longer purchased or provide Nintendo with any income. 


In the past, Nintendo has shut down fan games like Pokenet, a Pokemon-World of Warcraft crossover, Super Mario 64 HD Remake, Full Screen Mario, the Zelda version of Super Mario Maker, and Pokemon Uranium. So it's not only esports, although it's very clear at this point that Nintendo has no interest in support or expanding the Smash esports scene. 

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