Moist Esports, the team funded and founded by YouTube star Charlie "MoistCr1TiKaL" White, has signed yet another top Smash Bros pro in lexis "Goblin" Stennett, the latest name added to Moist Esports' burgeoning stable of Smash talent. Goblin is a Florida-based player best known for his Roy and Chrom, and joins other Ultimate pros Kola and Aaron as representatives of Moist Esports.
For long a force in Florida, Goblin has proven himself a nationwide threat since the return of offline play after COVID lockdowns, with his recent run at Riptide demonstrating the raw potential he has at his disposal. There, his run included wins over Antony "MuteAce" Hoo, "Yonni", Robert "Myran" Herrin, and most impressively Smash legend Samuel "Dabuz" Buzby, with only Mexican monster Maister and Luigi expert Matt "Elegant" Fitzpatrick able to take wins off the young swordsman.
Goblin is currently ranked 4th in the Florida scene, which is one of the more competitive in the US, and was 21st on the online ranking system known as the WiFi Warrior Rank. He was placed 42nd on the PGRU back in 2019, but looks to be a higher-level performer than that since offline play has resumed following the easing of restrictions.
MoistCr1TiKaL is one of the bigger English language personalities on YouTube, with nearly 9M subs and over 4B views on his YouTube channel. He has supported the Ultimate scene for some time, also funding and running events during the online era, and moved into sponsoring players with Kola and Aaron prior to Smash Ultimate Summit in August of this year before also picking up Kurtis "moky" Pratt, an established Melee Fox main.
Goblin represents the fourth name on his team and demonstrates the ongoing commitment to the scene Cr1TiKaL has, with some fans initially worried he was only going to support players through the Summit cycle. With both Melee and Ultimate pros now funded by the YouTube star, he becomes one of the bigger names in Smash esports, competing with the likes of Panda Global and Golden Guardians for the number of top players he is funding at this point.
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