A dominating performance in your APEX debut. How are you feeling?
Starting off with a win is always fantastic.
Many Koreans were dying to see EnVyUs play. What was your impression of the crowd?
We did meet some of our Korean fans at GamesCom, but APEX was an entirely different experience. We expected Koreans to mostly root for their home teams, but so much support came our way - it was really great.
Can you explain why you played DPS at times during the match today?
I am comfortable not only on supports but also on DPS heroes such as McCree, Reaper, and Genji. All of our players have large hero pools and are quite used to drafting flexibly.
How strong are Korean teams compared to the best of the West?
To be honest, I believe the very top Korean teams are stronger than us at the moment. We scrimmed many Korean teams and still are at a negative winrate.
Your next opponent is CONBOX T6. Expectations?
I did watch the VOD of their last match, but we haven't scrimmed them in person so there isn't much to predict off of. We are aware that T6 is a strong team, however.
Goals for the tournament?
We want to take first in our group, go all the way, and win the whole thing.
Any last words?
To all the Korean fans that cheered us on today - thank you so much for welcoming a foreign team so warmly! It was a new and amazing experience. [laughs]

Thoughts on your victory today?
We recently lost 0-3 to KONGDOO Panthera in the DANAWA tournament, so I'm happy to have paid them back.
How did you prepare for the return match?
Scrims, mostly. Gambler came up with all of our compositions - accounting for our preferences, of course [laughs].
When did you think victory was in the bag?
Right after our first win on Nepal. We kicked into third gear afterwards.
How nervous were you when you only had 1 minute left on Volskaya Industries?
We weren't nervous at all. Gambler set it up all along, and we were confident we could win as long as we could execute what he had explained to us. The conveyor belt sushi Bastion idea was also his. It all worked.
Gambler seems to be a big part of the team. How is he in person?
Very talkative and kindhearted. He always keeps the team atmosphere bright.
How threatening was EVERMORE's Roadhog?
Extremely threatening as expected. We focused on tracking Roadhog down and collapsing on him as a team.
Thoughts on your next opponent, Run Away?
The only information we have as of now is that they run a great Genji.
Any last words?
Not really. My family doesn't even know I'm here. [laughs]
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