Asmongold's 2.3 million Twitch followers will have to find another outspoken streamer to watch for the next few days.
The popular World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy XIV Online player told his Twitter followers on August 31 that he's taking a week-long break from streaming. Asmongold told fans he was taking the seven days to "recalibrate" himself.
"Sorry to let everyone down again," Asmongold tweeted.
Asmongold explained that he felt "weird" about streaming but wasn't sure why. According to the OTK Network owner, the reason he's taking a week off "doesn't make logical sense." But he promised to be back after his seven-day break.
Asmongold's fans immediately started speculating why Asmongold was taking a break from Twitch. Some assumed he was not happy with the platform itself. Asmongold is no stranger to criticizing Twitch.
But others recalled a recent stream where Asmongold complained about the community on Twitch and being sick of their behavior. Last week, Asmongold opened up to his followers about his disdain for the streaming community.
Asmongold explained: "I like having fun. I like playing things up. If I can't do that, if I can't have fun, and I have to watch what I say because people will take it and use it against me I just don't want to stream anymore. And that's really the truth. There's a big part of me that just wants to quit. It's not fun. I'm not enjoying myself. If it keeps up this way, I probably will. And that's the honest fucking truth. I don't want to deal with this anymore. I don't have to."
But this time around, Asmongold begged his fans not to speculate. He said his reason for the week-long break is "personal" and he has to "figure it out on his own." Meanwhile, he requested that people leave the speculation to a minimum.
"I love you guys and I want to be the best version of myself for you," Asmongold said.
In response, fans offered their support for Asmongold's decision. A lot of people noted that mental health is important and he deserved time off. Others accused Asmongold of "letting the haters win."
But in the past, Asmongold has said it "doesn't matter" why he isn't having fun — it doesn't even matter if it's "his fault." He just isn't having fun. And if he isn't, he will quit. For now, Asmongold has promised to return. But his fans are most likely worried that Asmongold is getting burnt out due to a lack of interest in the games he plays and dealing with toxic Twitch behavior.
Esports writer and editor with a passion for creating unique content for the gaming community.
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