Disclaimer: This article contains curated tips, guides, other useful information posted on Inven KR by the users. Please note that such guides and information are not objective truths and may not reflect the latest patch or meta changes.
*Original guide from BDO Inven KR by 타이탄로드 [Titanlord]
There are five different kinds of side products in cooking, among which you can find “Dish with Poorly Prepared Ingredients” that you can exchange for contribution points. This guide introduces simple cooking recipe that can help you farm silver and contribution points with minimal investment.

In terms of preparing the ingredients, you can either connect your nodes and send workers, or simply buy the ingredients from the market. Below are the nodes of interest you may want to keep your eyes on if you want your workers to collect the ingredients.
Essential ingredients and where to get them
Grain & meat
Bartali Farm
1 potato node, 1 chicken meat & egg node
Finto Farm
1 potato node, 1 chicken meat & egg node
Loggia Farm
1 potato node
Toscani Farm
2 corn nodes
Costa Farm
1 wheat node
Moretti Plantation
1 wheat node
Northern Wheat Plantation
1 wheat node, 1 barley node
Shuri Farm
1 sweet potato node
Casta Farm
1 Grape node
You can also buy fruits from Milano Belucci in Calpheon, and the price is not so much different from the marketplace (700 silver per strawberry). She also sells olives and paprikas, but her price is generally more expensive than the regular price on the marketplace.
Wale Farm
1 olive node
Alejandro Farm
1 pumpkin node
Northern Wheat Plantation
1 paprika node
Cooking Utensil
Getting the best cooking utensils requires a level 3 tool workshop, where the Advanced Cooking Utensil and Calpheon Traditional Cooking Utensil can be made. You can also grab them from the marketplace if you lack the necessary assets.
The Advanced Cooking Utensil reduces cooking time by 1 second and has 900 durability.
- 20 polished stones, 5 usable scantlings, 20 melted iron shards, 14 Black Stone powders
The Calpheon Traditional Cooking Utensil increases cooking time by 7 seconds, but comes with 2000 durability.
- 15 polished stones, 8 maple plywoods, 30 melted iron shards, 30 Black Stone powders
Calpheon Traditional is better for those that cook massive amounts at once and go afk.
The recipe
Here are the foods you can cook with the ingredients mentioned above. The general idea is to keep your inventory simple while farming more byproducts, through cooking food that is used as ingredients for other food, and then cooking upper tier foods.
1 cereal + 1 fruit + 1 leavening agent + 1 sugar
Remember, you can buy the fruit from Milano Belucci in Calpheon if you cannot get enough from nodes. You can get leavening agent and sugar from the innkeeper.
You get cooking byproducts here.
Essence of Liquor
1 flour + 1 fruit + 1 leavening agent.
You can acquire flour by grinding (L) any type of grain.
This also gives you cooking byproducts.
Combine the two ingredients [vinegar & essence of liquor] to cook steamed bird.
Steamed Bird
5 bird meat + 3 vegetables + 2 vinegar + 2 essence of liquor + 2 salt
You can buy salt from the innkeeper.
Enjoy farming cooking byproducts and sell the finished dish to any merchant.
You do not necessarily have to purchase extra chicken if you already have a worker on a chicken node. Just keep cooking vinegar and essence of liquor, and cook steamed bird when chicken meat stacks up in your stash.
If you got your chicken meat from nodes, you will also have eggs in your stash. We can put it to good use unless you want to sell them on marketplace.
Boiled Bird Eggs
3 eggs + 6 mineral water + 1 cooking wine + 1 salt
All the ingredients besides eggs can be purchased from the innkeeper.
Process the boiled bird eggs through imperial cuisine packaging and sell it on imperial trade.
List Appealing Boiled Bird Eggs [blue item] on the marketplace, as they are used as an ingredient for Serendia Meal.
If you have also activated the honey node in Alejandro Farm, which also makes profit just by selling the raw material on the marketplace, you can try cooking imperial cuisine with that.
Honey Wine
1 honey + 6 mineral water + 2 essence of liquor + 2 sugar
Process the honey wine through imperial cuisine packaging and sell it on imperial trade.
Sell tangy honey wine to any NPC, or you can just chug it.

Items that shorten cooking time
You can shorten the amount of time it takes for your character to cook through items and buffs. The original 10 seconds it takes per session can be reduced all the way to 1 second. It is the bottom threshold and the time cannot be reduced further.
It takes quite a lot of time and money [and also luck] to get the necessary items to shorten your cooking time, so I recommend that you gradually build up your gear and items instead of rushing for them.
Canape Costume Set: -2 seconds
Advanced Cooking Utensil: -1 second
Teff Sandwich: -0.5 second
[Total 3.5 seconds]
Alchemy Stone of Life
Keep in mind that the amount of cooking time reduction is the same regardless of the item’s color.
Imperfect: -0.5 seconds
Rough: -0.7 seconds
Polished: -0.9 seconds
Sturdy: -1.1 seconds
Sharp: -1.4 seconds
Silver Embroidered Cook’s Clothes
+0: -1 second
+1: -2 seconds
+2: -3 seconds
+3: -4 seconds
[-5.7 seconds total with Resplendent stone and +3 Silver Embroidered clothes]
[-8.9 seconds time reduction in total]
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Comments :1
level 1 KealanHarmon
Thank you so much for sharing all these yummy and amazing recipes. I have tried all these recipes at my home and everyone liked it. Always looking forward to having new and more recipes from this blog. Keep it up and well done and students can visit at http://www.shared.com/5-amazing-student-life-hacks/ to get life hacks. Thanks.