Most know Charles “MoistCr1TiKaL” White Jr. for his deadpan Super Smash Bros. casting, aimlessly ranting on Twitch, or his judgemental YouTube videos. But the wildly popular gaming personality has decided to take his presence in esports to an entirely new level.
Cr1TiKaL recently announced that he was "giving birth" to an esports team, dubbed Moist Esports. Obviously. And it currently has one Super Smash Bros. Ultimate player on its roster, Kola. The Roy main previously took first place at the Soaked Series Invitational, taking home $20,000. This event was hosted by Cr1TiKaL.
The announcement of his official esports team was met with applause from big names in the esports community. This includes a nod from Melee God Juan "Hungrybox" DeBiedma. His powerful response to the tweet: "Big man."
But it's still unclear if Cr1TiKaL's announcement is 100% serious. His most recent video was him playing Happy Birthday on a recorder while spreading his buttcheeks and spinning around on a stripper pole for crying out loud. Cr1TiKaL is known for trolling and meming but it wouldn't be a huge stretch to see him expand Moist Esports in the future.
Cr1TiKaL is no stranger to the esports scene. He has commentated Super Smash Bros. tournaments in the past and was recently a favorite in the PogChamps chess tournament. Cr1TiKaL had fans roaring when he defeated Felix "xQc" Lengyel in under a minute.
But anyone looking for more information on the announcement will have to wait. A quick glance at Cr1TiKaL's tweets shows that he's already not interested in discussing Moist Esports at the moment.
"I wiped my ass back to front today just to try it out and get a bit whacky. I feel so disgusting like I'll never be clean again. Absolutely foul," Cr1TiKaL tweeted earlier today.
So yeah. That's all anyone knows for now.
Esports writer and editor with a passion for creating unique content for the gaming community.
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