On August 1, Go “Score” Dong-bin, who joined the army back in January 2021, finally finished his mandatory military service and returned to social life. The next day a little after midnight, he had a short stream to communicate with the fans and to say that he’s back from the army.
About finishing his service, Score answered a few questions from Inven. “It’s still awkward that I’m a civilian now,” he said. “I’m relieved that I’ve been discharged safely.”
“Since my joining the army was newsed, even people that didn’t know me recognized me,” said Score. “It wasn’t more convenient that I was an LoL pro player — we weren’t able to play LoL in the environment. More than that, people were considerate to my age.”
We were curious about how he was doing, and what he was up to. “I’ve been playing LoL whenever I have time. They’ve added a lot of champions, so it’s fun to play solo queue,” he said. Score actually has been playing solo ranked quite a lot — he's at Master tier with 247 LP and a 55% win rate.
Lastly, Score said, “Thanks to your support, I was able to get through my military service more comfortably. I hope all of you fans stay healthy and hope everything you do goes well.”
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