On day 30 of the 2021 LCK Summer split, Liiv SANDBOX defeated Gen.G 2-1 and climbed to 2nd place in the standings. Even in their loss in game 2 against Gen.G, LSB’s gameplay received much praise from experts and analysts in the LCK.
The jungler for LSB, Kim “Croco” Dong-beom, joined the press room for a post-match interview.
Thoughts on the victory?
We lost to Gen.G very closely in round 1, so I feel very good about getting the win against them in round 2.
What are your thoughts on the jungle matchup tonight against Gen.G’s rookie jungler, Ko “Youngjae” Yeong-jae?
I was expecting to face Clid, but I was surprised to see Youngjae start for the team. However, it hasn’t been long since he was called up to the main roster, so I really didn’t have too much trouble facing him in the jungle. I think Clid would’ve been more of a challenge.
How would you say that you and the team improved since the Spring split?
I think the biggest change since the Spring split would be in our teamply. For myself, my knowledge of the jungle grew exponentially with the guidance from one of our coaches, Cho “Joker” Jae-eup, so I think that’s where my biggest improvement comes from.
What would you say the biggest changes are in patch 11.14?
I think that this patch will be the last time we’ll see Viego in lane, so he’s still very high on the tier list due to his strength as a champion and his ability to be flexed in draft. In terms of the jungle, there’s a lot more variety in the champion pool, and more AP jungler options.
What are your thoughts on Lillia this patch?
She got nerfed a bit more in the early game, but is better late game. She can also be flexed into a solo lane, so I think that especially against immobile junglers, she’s very good.
I saw Fiddlesticks and Karthus being played a lot in challenger solo queue as well. I’m curious what you think about them as well.
I think they both have a weak early game, but scales very well; they’re champions with clear weaknesses. They heavily struggle against champions that skirmish well in the early game, like Diana and Xin Zhao, so for them to appear in competitive play will depend on the jungle matchup as well as how they fit into team compositions.
Next match is against T1.
I want to play against both Oner and Cuzz. I think they’re both very good junglers, so I’m excited to play against either player.
Lastly, is there anything you’d like to say?
Lots of fans are cheering for us to make it to the playoffs and to Worlds, so we’ll make sure that we live up to their expectations.
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