Patch 11.14 is the final patch of Set 5, but luckily, not the final patch of getting to play Hellions or Abominations. Set 5.5 will drop with 11.15, so players only have a few weeks before the entire meta gets reset with the introduction (and removal) of several champions. Getting a lock on the meta in this last patch is therefore crucial for players who want to climb and hit that next tier (and get those sweet rewards) before the mid-set update drops.
This tier list is based on a combination of having extremely strong units within the comps, as well as how the meta comps are performing on the current patch. Since this is the last patch of the set, the main focus of this tier list will focus entirely on the top-tier comps that were not covered in previous tier lists.
Best TFT comps for Patch 11.13
S Tier | |||
Revenant/Invoker | |||
A Tier | |||
Dawnbrinker Invoker |
Abomb Revenant |
Ironclad Skirmisher |
Forgotten Ironclad |
B Tier | |||
Redeemed Knight |
Dawnbringer Skirmisher |
Revenant Assassin |
Redeemed Skirmisher |
Mystic Ranger |
Dawnbringer Legionnaire |
Dragon Legionnaire |
Forgotten Legionnaire |
C Tier | |||
Nightbringer Legionnaire |
Forgotten Assassin |
Verdant Legionnaire |
Coven Renewer |
Abomb Brawler |
Redeemed Ranger |
Abomb Spellweaver |
Redeemed Spellweaver |
Hellions | Nightbringer Ranger |
Coven Nightbringer |
D Tier | |||
Forgotten Spellweaver |
Forgotten Ranger |
Coven Assassin |
Draconic Ranger |
Forgotten Cavalier |
For those who haven’t been keeping up with the meta trends and just want to spam ranked before the mid-set update hits, these are the comps that you want to be playing.

1. Revenant/Invoker
Also sometimes called the “Legendary Itemization” or “Bill Gates” comp, the Revenant/Invoker comp is a twist on the Hellions comp that puts almost all of the onus on hitting Level 8 quickly and getting items onto Teemo. Obviously, this comes with tremendous risk because Teemo costs health in order to get (and get to 2 or 3-stars), which means that you need to get to late game with a lot of health.
Ziggs is a good holder for almost all of Teemo’s items in the early game, so it’s an easy transition. However, Hellions can be a fairly difficult comp to snowball early, especially if you’re not finding enough to get them to 2 or 3-stars. An alternative is to stick these items on a champion like Kalista and go Abomination, or on Varus and go Redeemed, just to preserve the health pool as you level for Teemo.

2. Dawnbringer/Invoker
This reliable Karma comp has been strong for basically all of Set 5 and sets up to make Karma a machinegun in the backline. The biggest key to this comp, though, is that frontline Garen. It’s incredibly important to get a hold of Garen early and stack him with defensive items, as he’s really the only frontline that keeps Karma protected. The Riven’s items are a plus, but they’re not incredibly necessary. Any AD and attack speed items that are left over will fit on her. In addition, if you’re not able to get a Dawnbringer emblem for Volibear, it’s probably better to drop Kha’Zix and just add a Taric to give Garen the Knight bonus and give the rest of your team the extra healing.

3. Ironclad/Skirmisher
Jax has skyrocketed to becoming a high-value carry in Patch 11.14, and this comp uses him to his fullest. While the listed items are ideal for Jax, they’re not mandatory. Almost any BF Sword, Recurve Bow, or Brawler’s Glove items will do. Pantheon thrives with a Redemption (or multiple Redemptions) but almost any defensive item fits onto him, with excessive ones going to Viego or Trundle. While Kennen does thrive with a Morellonomicon, don’t feel pressured to find one to make this comp work. It’s more important to get Jax and Pantheon their items. The beauty of the Skirmisher comp is that, with these items, you can shift into a Forgotten Draven comp if you have a hard time finding Jax or if the shop is full of Forgotten units.

4. Forgotten/Draven
Finally, the traditional Forgotten/Draven comp. Items are really malleable for this comp, except for the fact that you need to accumulate at least four Shadow Items in order to stack the Forgotten passive as much as is possible. However, it doesn’t need to be Draven holding those Shadow Items, even though those three shown in the builder (along with Shadow Runaan’s) work fantastically for Draven. You can also look for a Shadow Frozen Heart for either Hecarim or Viego, or a Shadow Hand of Justice for Viego, Draven, or Katarina. And, as mentioned previously, almost all of the items can easily be swapped from the Forgotten to the Skirmisher comp.
Diamond TFT Player & esports watcher.
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