Good publicity has been hard to come by for Minecraft’s biggest name of late, but Pride month is a chance for people to do some good in the world and Dream has done just that. Over the course of June, Dream managed to raise $90K for charitable causes, and with a donation of $50K added by the "Dream Team", which is the collective name for the group of Dream, GeorgeNotFound, and Sapnap that often appears in his videos, was able to donate $140K in total.
The money will go to The Trevor Project, an American nonprofit aimed at providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention for LGBTQ youth that Dream’s fellow Minecraft streamer Ranboo donated to earlier in the year. Concerns had been raised about Dream's intentions after he hadn’t streamed at all during June, having initially promised to donate all proceeds to LGBTQ charities, but it seems as those were premature.
What makes the donation more impressive is the power of the Minecraft community, with the $90K having been raised in just two streams and three "podcasts" over the course of Pride month. Much is written about the toxic nature of Dream fans on social media, so it is nice to see the extremely young and impressionable community come together and work toward a positive goal and spread a positive message.
In fact, in just 2.5 hours on June 30, Dream raised $20K in subs and an astonishing $60K in donations from his fanbase. Jokes about using your parents’ credit card aside, that is a huge amount of money in a short time for any streamer to be able to raise, especially when you consider global brands like Ugg or Balenciega capped their donations at less, or simply donated a percentage of revenue.
Dream is far from the first controversial figure to make a significant donation, with YouTube star Pewdiepie donating all income from live streams and community members on his channel on a monthly basis. This was highlighted last year on a Jacksepticeye stream, where Pewdiepie casually donated $145K dollars to the "thankmas" charity stream, shocking the likes of Corpse and Pokimane but generating surprisingly few headlines.
For Dream, this will have been a welcome chance to do some good after months of battling cheating allegations and being blamed for the actions of his supporters, something he has influence, but limited control over in reality. His massive increase in popularity over the last couple of years has seen his income skyrocket to an estimated $3m+ annually according to some estimates, a level that was practically unheard of in Minecraft prior to the huge content explosion the game has seen in the past 24 months.
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