TFT Patch 11.13 was fairly small, as Riot focused more on buffing the hilariously underpowered units (Hellions, Nidalee, and Ashe) and nerfing the ridiculously overpowered (Yasuo, Ryze, and Kayle). There were also some significant system changes, including odds changes of the later (post Stage 3) armories. All of these changes were meant to help drive back the meta’s shift towards more late-game-focused comps. Unfortunately, most of the top of the meta remains largely unchanged.
Best TFT comps for Patch 11.13
S Tier | |||
Revenant/Invoker | |||
A Tier | |||
Dawnbrinker Invoker |
Abomb Revenant |
Redeemed Knight |
Forgotten Ironclad |
B Tier | |||
Mystic Ranger |
Dawnbringer Legionnaire |
Ironclad Skirmisher |
Dragon Legionnaire |
Forgotten Legionnaire |
Dawnbringer Skirmisher |
Revenant Asassin |
Verdant Legionnaire |
Nightbringer Legionnaire |
C Tier | |||
Redeemed Spellweaver |
Coven Renewer |
Redeemed Ranger |
Redeemed Skirmisher |
Forgotten Assassin |
Abomb Spellwaver |
Nightbringer Ranger |
Coven Nightbringer |
Abomb Brawler |
Forgotten Ranger |
D Tier | |||
Hellions | Forgotten Spellweaver |
Draconic Ranger |
Coven Assassin |
F Tier | |||
Forgotten Cavalier |
Comps like the “Legendary” or “Billionaire” Teemo comp, Redeemed/Knights, and the Karma comp remain atop the meta in Patch 11.13, however, new challengers have also risen. After her mini-rework, a Dawnbringer/Skirmisher comp built around Nidalee has become viable, and Jax has become a solid carry again after the Skirmisher buffs. While the comp tier list for Patch 11.13 includes many standard comps like Draven’s Forgotten/Legionnaire comps, some new or changed comps warrant a bit more insight.

Aphelios is largely considered to be an unviable carry, but in this Mystic/Rangers comp, he has absolute protection. Not only is there shielding from Lux, invulnerability from Kindred, and crowd control resistance thanks to the Verdants (Ashe and Taric), this comp also provides a strong frontline and healing. Because Aphelios is not widely contested most of the time, it may even be possible to get him 3-starred in some games. One alternative is to swap Ryze for Morgana, to give her and Aphelios the Nightbringer bonus. However, this is purely optional as Morgana functions better as a secondary carry than a protector. In general, giving Aphelios this extra shield (which would only be 350 health when he is at 2-stars) isn’t worth it when a 2-star Lux can shield him for 200 health and will probably shield Aphelios multiple times.

Abomb Heimer
This comp seems a bit odd since none of the units really seem to synergize together. Heimer only has one other Renewer (Ivern) to match with, and little is being done to boost any of the Abominations, who are often the damage threats in those comps.
Instead, the goal of this comp is one thing: let Heimer cook. Between the frontline of Volibear, Nunu, Ivern/Daisy, and the Monstrosity (aka Sion), the invulnerability from Kindred, and the extra MR from the Mystics, the hope with this comp is to keep Heimerdinger alive long enough that he can tear through anything that gets thrown at him. Hopefully, he can get at least two or three casts of his ult while keeping his Baby Dragon alive throughout the round. For this comp, also be looking to get an Abomination emblem to help boost up the Monstrosity’s health and beef the frontline even more.

Nidalee has always been a bit of a sneaky-good carry unit, but after the recent mini-rework in Patch 11.13, she has come into her own and is ready to headline the show. Nidalee will now gain attack speed and deal bonus magic damage every fourth attack, in addition to having her dodge chance. This means that, combined with her Skirmisher trait that gives her plenty of damage, the time has come to double-down on Nidalee’s strong dueling and high survivability. There are a lot of ways to round out the comp, either focusing on Riven for her crowd control, Pantheon for his incredible frontline ability, or even Mordekaiser as a second carry threat.But don’t underestimate Garen in the late-game, as he can cause a lot of havoc with the right items (such as Warmogs, Morellonomicon, or Sunfire Cape).

A bit of a new(ish) wrinkle to the traditional Forgotten comp, this swaps out usual Mordekaiser (which would give Draven the Legionnaire bonus for extra attack speed) for another Ironclad. This should ideally be Nautilus (he’ll get the Knight bonus when paired with Thresh) but it can be Jax if you manage to get a Skirmisher’s emblem (which would give three along with Viego and can be placed on Draven or Katarina). Just like the other strong comps in Patch 11.13, the strength of this comp is in its frontline. With Rell and Nautilus, Draven should be relatively safe, but this comp also has the Viego to threaten the backline while Draven just keeps hitting.
Diamond TFT Player & esports watcher.
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