[Guide] Best MG82 loadout in Warzone Season 4

Source: Activision

Warzone Season 4 dropped on Thursday, and the new MG82 LMG has already proven to be one of the most ridiculous guns in the season so far. Added with this season's battle pass, the MG82 has quickly made the case that it is not just one of the best LMGs in the game, it's just one of the best guns in the game period. This gun features a very fast time to kill of just over half a second, and it has very easy to control recoil, making it a beast at a variety of ranges.


Here are some of the best attachments to equip with this laser of an LMG to make it even more powerful. Make sure you get in there and use this gun now because the nerfs might be coming in the near future.


Best attachments to use for the MG82 in Warzone

  • Agency Suppressor
  • Optic of your choice
  • 17.1 match grade barrel
  • Field Agent Grip
  • Seprent wrap


The Agency suppressor 

The Agency suppressor is a no brainer for this LMG. It helps limit your profile on the map, and gives you back a little bit of accuracy, making this gun even more of a laser. On top of that, Warzone is still gripped by the stealth meta, and if you can sneak up on a group of enemies with this gun, you will be able to absolutely wipe them.


Optic of your choice

Honestly, everyone's optic preferences are different. I like to run the Axial Arms 3x on LMGs, since they are often good ranged weapons. Some magnification is definitely useful on a gun like this, but ultimately you can run whatever you feel most comfortable with.


17.1" Match grade barrel

This barrel gives the MG82 a nice boost to your damage at range, which is where this LMG will excel. Using this barrel will cost you some sprinting speed, but LMGs are already pretty slow when it comes to movement, so if you are moving around the map you should consider running with a different gun out anyway. 


Field Agent Grip

The Field Agent Grip isn't a necessity on this gun, since it already has basically no recoil, but its still worth throwing on there for the extra horizontal and vertical recoil control. The only con to the field agent grip is the hit to it's movement speed while shooting, but you really don't want to move while shooting an LMG anyway. 


Serpent Wrap

At this point in Warzone Season 4, I run the Serpent Wrap and damn near everything. The advantage of having a faster Aim Down Sight time is almost always worth the hit to sprint to fire. I generally don't rush around the map either, especially with a gun this large, so the sprint to fire aspect will never be as important to me as the ADS time. Serpent Wrap rocks on this gun.



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