World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Classic launched on Tuesday, and the first hours of the launch have been rough to say the least. According to Blizzard, they are experiencing a massive DDoS attack that is resulting in "high latency and disconnections for some players." The attack has crippled high population servers across the lands.
Under the weight of the DDoS attack, players have been treated to constant disconnection problems, and a variety of other technical issues ranging from huge lag spikes to mobs/NPC's failing to even spawn on some servers. Making matters worse, some players who have been kicked from the game due to technical problems have claimed that they reentered to 6-hour queues to log back on. This is in spite of the 2 minute grace period that World of Warcraft has in place, designed to help those who briefly DC skip queues to get back in.
The streamer server Faerlina was not spared from the Burning Crusade DDoS attack's sweeping devastation. Not only were streamers constantly kicked from the server during the hours following the launch, the server itself went black for some time. Other large servers like the Herod server experienced similar struggles and also ended up going down repeatedly.
The rough launch has left huge World of Warcraft personalities like Asmongold, sodapoppin, and esfand broadcasting mostly technical failures, instead of revisiting the old school quests and BC content that everyone was looking forward to. sodapoppin went as far as playing other games while he waits for the issues to be fixed enough that BC is playable, while other streamers like jokerd jumped onto lower population servers to play.
Some smaller servers appear to still be playable, with the DDoSing primarily affecting high population servers.
Blizzard experienced similar DDoS attacks during the launch of WoW Classic in 2019. Hopefully, they will find a way to resolve, or at least mitigate, the situation very soon. We will keep this story updated as we learn more information.
Aaron is an esports reporter with a background in media, technology, and communication education.
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