The new patch in BDO’s KR server today added 5 new costumes that can be crafted in level 2 costume mills. The costumes arrived at the game but their design items are not updated yet, so we still have to wait until next week when we can actually get our hands on the costumes in KR server. Today’s KR patch also gave players a new option, the Blacksmith’s Secret Book, that players can use to extract their current failstack into an equivalent amount of Advice of Valks.
The five new costumes are as follows:
Serendia Formal Attire [+2 movement speed] [male characters only]
Valencia Traveler’s Outfit [+2 movement speed] [male characters only]
Ahon Kirus Armor [+1 critical hit chance] [female characters only]
Black Leopard Armor [+1 attack/casting speed] [female characters only]
Shroud Knights Armor [+1 attack/casting speed] [all characters]
We would like to notify you that the name of each item is a temporary translation, and are subject to change when they arrive at NA/EU servers. Also, Valencia Traveler’s Costume can only be crafted in desert areas such as Altinova. Likewise, Serendia Formal Attire can only be made in Heidel.
Blacksmith’s Secret Book comes in different options with 20, 30, 40, and 50 stacks. Keep in mind that you have to use the Secret Book that has a number equal or higher than your current failstack. For example, if you are trying to extract a +31 failstack, you have to use Blacksmith’s Secret Book - 40, not Blacksmith’s Secret Book - 30. Also note that you cannot extract the failstacks built with Valk’s Cry. Advice of Valks does not add to your current failstack, but instead overwrites it.
You can purchase Blacksmith’s Secret Books from armor merchants and blacksmith NPCs.
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