Warzone Season 3 just dropped today, and it brought with it a host of weapon balance changes to freshen up the Season 3 meta. The changes were released in two separate lists of patch notes on Wednesday, so they could be easy to miss. We put together every change that was released in the Warzone Season 3 patch in one convenient place!
Assault Rifle changes in Warzone Season 3
The Aug had its maximum range decreased from 30.48m to 19.05m, which is a significant hit to its medium range dominance. They increased the AUG's burst fire delay by 33%, increased its max damage from 51 to 52, and increased its headshot multiplier from 1.25 to 1.4. The AUG's Task Force barrel also had its range bonus damage reduced from 50% to 40% and the ranged damage bonus of the barrel reduced from 15% to 12%.
Finally, the AUG had its neck damage multiplier changed from 1.8 to 1.1.
The M16 had its time between bursts increased by 10% and its neck damage multiplier changed from 1.8 to 1.1. According to the developers, the change to both the AUG and the m16 were designed to force players to be more deliberate when pursing kills.
The FFAR1 had its Task Force barrel attachment's recoil penalties reduced by 10%. It also had its 34 RNG Magaziner expanded to 38 rounds, and its 38 RND Speed Magazine expeanded to 38 rounds with a reduced penalty on the Speed Mag from 20% to 10%.
Krig 6
The Krig 6 had its headshot multiplier increased from 1.25 to 1.4 and had its weapon max damage decreased from 35 to 33. This change will encourage players to aim at the head more deliberately, in similar fashion to the changes on the M16 and AUG.
SMG weapon changes in Warzone Season 3
The LC10 had its bullet velcotiy increased slightly, which is a nice buff that will help bring the already very strong weapon into the spotlight.
The developers decreased the max damage of the Mac-10 by 1. This is only a minor nerf, but according to the developers it was designed as a "precautoinary change to promote diversity" in the meta, since the Mac-10 is so popular and dominant in the meta.
The developers also introduced a global change to all SMGs, which reduced the SMG player sprint bonus so that all SMGs are now slower to run with than pistols.
LMG weapon changes in Warzone Season 3
The PKM had its max range damage reduced from 42 to 38 and its maximum range reduced from 38.1m to 21.59m. It also had its aim-down-sights speed faster and increased its vertical recoil as well. The developers nerfed the Match Grade barrel for the gun, decreasing its range bonus from +100% damage to +50% damage. They also buffed the Division barrel attachment by decreasing its range pentalty from -25% to -12%.
The RPD had its max damage increased 38 to 42 and its maximum range reduced from 50.8m to 20.4m. Its ammo capacity was also decreased from 75 to 50. The developers nerfed the Match Grade barrel for the gun, decreasing its range bonus from +100% damage to +50% damage. They also buffed the Division barrel attachment by decreasing its range pentalty from -25% to -15%.
The M60 had its max damage reduced from 76.2m to 20.4m and had its ADS speed increased by 13.9%. The new build should privilege short range encounters over long range encounters. As with the previous two LMG's, the developers also nerfed the Match Grade barrel for the gun, decreasing its range bonus from +100% damage to +50% damage. They also buffed the Division barrel attachment by decreasing its range pentalty from -25% to -15%.
Sniper Rifle changes in Warzone Season 3
Pelington 703 sniper rifle
The pelington 703 had its ADS speed increased and its rasie time incrased slightly. This is a minor change that should affect the weapons performance much.
Aaron is an esports reporter with a background in media, technology, and communication education.
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