On April 18, RNG and FPX squared off against one another at the grand finals of the 2021 LPL Spring split. RNG defeated FPX with a set score of 3-1, and were crowned the 2021 LPL Spring champions. Despite RNG starting off with a loss in game 1, they were able to pick up the pace and flip the series 3-1.
Jang “Nuguri” Ha-gwon’s Irelia was nearly unstoppable in game 1 and 2, as it served as a great counterpick to Li “Xiaohu” Yuan-Hao’s Jayce. Not only was Nuguri uncatchable in teamfights during game 1, he also managed to get two solo kills in lane during game 2.
However, RNG figured out how to come back from a deficit in game 2, and it all started from calling up Yuan “Cryin” Cheng-Wei’s Ryze and Shi “Ming” Sen-Ming’s Nautilus to top lane and pushing in top lane turrets. RNG managed to use the amount of CC in their team composition to win one teamfight after another, eventually overcoming their early deficit.
The bot laner for RNG, Chen “GALA” Wei, put on an MVP deserving performance in game 3. His lead started building up right from the laning phase in the bot lane, and is a lead that he kept until the late game. By dodging key skillshots and threading in damage on Kai’Sa, he managed to score a pentakill and solidified the series lead for his team.
RNG’s momentum was too much for FPX to handle in game 4. Feeling the pressure, FPX decided to make the high-risk, high-reward plays around the map to even up the odds, but it only put them further behind. RNG managed to read and shut out FPX’s every move, and closed out the series 3-1. With this championship victory, RNG became the 2021 LPL Spring champions, and will be representing their region at the 2021 Mid-Season Invitational.
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