All good things must come to an end and Teamfight Tactics' upcoming set, Reckoning, looks to do just that.
As the Black Mist spreads across the auto chess' landscape, the game's development team decided to tap into the war of good versus evil and make an entire expansion revolving around the theme. Set to hit the live servers on April 28, the game's fifth set features nearly 60 champions; dozens of brand new traits and origins; a new item system, and much more.
Without further adieu, below are the playable champions and their respective classes and origins.
TFT Reckoning Origins
While there are quite a few familiar faces champion-wise, the origins they will carry are all exclusive to Reckoning. The following origins are confirmed but their numbers may change after players test them out in the Public Beta Environment this week:

TFT Reckoning Classes
As if a dozen origins aren't enough to learn, the classes units are categorized into are new as well. While long time players may recognize a few of the classes from returning sets, there are never before seen ones that will create playstyles unique to Set 5. The following ones are confirmed:

Prior to the set's full release at the end of the month, players with an active PBE account will be able to experiment with the content ahead of time starting later today and see what team compositions are strong, weak, and just plain fun to play.
Tim Rizzo is the editor and a reporter for Inven Global. He joined the company back in 2017.
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