Content warning: Suicide
Former Super Smash Bros professional player Gonzalo "ZeRo" Barrios has been hospitalized and is recovering following a suicide attempt on Tuesday. The news was announced by ZeRo's former partner Vanessa in a Twitter post on Thursday.
"On 3/23 Ganzalo attempted suicide," Vanessa said in the tweet. "After being treated in the hospital he was sent in for further care. Humans are more than their mistakes, especially when they've put out more good into this world. I'll always love you even if we're not together and I'll pray that you see the light."
ZeRo retired from professional Super Smash Bros competition in 2020. He was banned on Twitch and was kicked from Tempo Storm because he admitted to allegations of sexual misconduct involving inappropriate messages that he sent to underage girls when he was 19. These incidents appear to be what Vanessa is referencing when she said "humans are more than their mistakes" in her tweet.
As of now, little information is known about ZeRo's condition. We will keep you updated as we learn more about this developing situation.
If you or anyone you know are struggling with suicidal thoughts and need to speak with someone who can help, please reach out to a suicide prevention helpline:
United States: 1-800-273-8255
United Kingdom: 116-123
Brazil: 212339191
Canada: 18662773553 (outside Montreal), 5147234000 (in Montreal)
Aaron is an esports reporter with a background in media, technology, and communication education.
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