Overwatch pro Becca "Aspen" Rukavina gained a lot of attention (good and bad) from the esports community when she reached the top of the North American support leaderboard once again earlier this year.
But while she got a lot of attention from fans and haters alike, a lot of people were wondering if she finally got the attention of the Overwatch League after reaching number one — again. Her Twitter was silent for a while, but Aspen recently came back to announce some updates on her career: She's playing in the Contenders once again.
I was honestly one of those people wondering about Aspen's Overwatch League goals and if any teams had reached out to her. I saw some had stood up for her when she started getting sexist comments online. But had any considered her to play on their team? What more did she have to do to earn a spot?
And also — what made Aspen so damn good at Overwatch?
I decided to reach out to Apsen to find out more about her passion for Overwatch, her impressive skills, and her professional goals with the game.
Aspen on: Getting good
When did you start playing OW and what drew you to the game? What were you playing before?
I started playing in August of 2016 when my cousin first introduced me to it. Before Overwatch, I played a lot of console shooter games like Call of Duty and Halo, non-competitively. I also played PC games like Minecraft for a few years.
What made you pick the support role as your main focus? Who was the first hero you started with?
I first started out as a Soldier main and dealt with frustrations of people not playing support as often so I converted and took the role upon myself. I mainly practiced Ana and Mercy at the start and then Lucio, Brigitte, and Baptiste later on.
When did you realize you were really talented at the game?
The moment I realized I had potential had to be when I did tryouts with a few Overwatch League teams and was told I did well. I’m very self-critical of my gameplay and always believe there’s stuff I can improve on. I strive for perfection, so hearing a coach or player say that means a ton.
How have you been able to master so many different heroes and metas?
I’ve put a lot of practice into the main supports through both ranked and scrims, which has helped me improve the mechanics.
My favorite to learn has been Lucio. My favorite meta was Orisa, Sigma, Doomfist, Reaper, Moira, Lucio. It was the first meta I ever scrimmed and I loved it because of the fast pace and the ultimate rotations.
How did you feel when you hit number one in NA?
I was pretty happy. It took me nearly 500 games to get so to see it pay off was satisfying. It was the first time I’ve ever hit 4700 as well which isn’t easy to hit nowadays so I was proud of that too.
Did you like the current and more aggressive meta during the climb?
Lucio is always fun to me and I also like Baptiste so I had a lot of fun playing rush. It’s a lot better than double shield or ball comps, in my opinion.
What has been your biggest challenge this season thus far?
My biggest challenge has been playing so many games all day. Sometimes it can get a bit overwhelming since not all days of ranked are guaranteed to go well.
What did you think of the latest updates to DPS?
I’m not a DPS player however I do like the Genji updates because he’s fun to play with and against.
What are your thoughts on OW2? What are you most looking forward to? What do you think about them possibly eliminating 2CP?
I’ve been excited for Overwatch 2 ever since I got to try it out at BlizzCon. I’m looking forward to the new heroes and the new game mode. 2CP has been problematic for a while and quite frustrating, so I don’t mind if they eliminate it.
Aspen on: Taking it to the next level
How do you feel about joining Spackle Academy?
I’m excited to join them and I’ve played with some of these players in the past. I'm ready to take some wins with them. I’m looking forward to playing well with these new players and getting good results. I see the potential of everyone on this roster and know we can do good.
How do you feel about competing again?
Since Gauntlet in 2020, there has been a long break for many players and teams with no scrims going on so it feels good to finally put my energy back into pro Overwatch. Scrims were always a huge part of my day and when the season ended I was very bored many days.
Are you hoping Overwatch League teams will be watching your performance this season?
Of course. A bit of scouting is done through officials so it’s a good opportunity to showcase.
What are your career goals right now?
My main goal is still the Overwatch League. However, short term I’m looking to win Contenders and improve as an individual player. I want to show my skills. It’s always my priority to do my best on any team and bring as much of an impact as I can.
When you reached the top of NA's support leaderboard, did any OWL teams reach out to you?
No, OWL teams usually go through trial phases to get their players or reach out to different Contenders players through agents.
What do you think you have to do now to work up to a spot in the OWL? What are your next plans to further your career and reach your goals?
I think I could use more experience in Contenders and grinding my mechanics and game sense overall. New metas come out all the time and it’s good practice in tier 2.
Which Overwatch League team are you rooting for this season?
I’ve always been a huge Seoul Dynasty fan so I’d say them for sure! I like all teams though and can’t wait to watch OWL this year.
Why is it important to you to compete in the OWL yourself?
It’s been a goal of mine for a while now and I’ve always loved competing. So doing it at the highest level would be a dream come true.
Do you have any advice for people looking to climb ranked with support heroes?
My advice for support players to climb is to communicate with your team if you can. Calling can be very helpful when you’re trying to win or need help from someone. Also, it’s good to play when you’re not in a bad mood.
Esports writer and editor with a passion for creating unique content for the gaming community.
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