The esports community had a strong reaction to the sexual and mental abuse allegations against VALORANT pro Jay "sinatraa" Won. And many of those reactions were unsurprisingly in support of sinatraa, who has proven to be one of the most talented and entertaining VALORANT players in North America.
One popular esports personality to come out in support of sinatraa was Daniel "Dafran" Francesca. The streamer and farmer is known for his controversy and toxicity, but his take on Cleo "cle0h" Hernandez's nine-page document full of audio, screenshots, and personal accounts of the abuse she experienced while dating sinatraa was even a bit too much for most people in the esports community.
"E-girls can be fucking scary as a Twitch streamer," Dafran said. "They will try to jebait or photoshop evidence and then fuck you. I'm not saying she is one, but she could be."

This tweet didn't sit well with people, since it appeared as though Dafran was insinuating that Cle0h had possibly photoshopped the screenshots in order to "fuck over" sinatraa due to his popularity. It also seemed to call Cle0h less credible due to her status as an "e-girl," an already offensive term for female influencers and content creators in the video game space.
Some esports fans even called on Dafran's tweet to be reported. A lot of esports industry figures have expressed concern over the past few days with these kinds of responses to sinatraa's allegations, stating that esports should become a space where women are respected and believed, and where pros are not able to get away with abuse just because they are "good at a video game."
Despite the backlash and reporting, Dafran has only doubled down on his view.
"How can people be so stupid?? How is it fair that someone can scream rape at a public figure and everyone bandwagon without question?? The public is gaining too much power. The world is fucked," Dafran ranted.
He then tweeted that he hopes he made people "more skeptical" about the situation. Dafran said the internet was in a "new age" where nobody is skeptical of the accuser.
While it's true that there are "two sides to every story," Dafran took it a step further by claiming Cle0h's experience was fabricated based on her online personality. Some woman noted that men often say there "must be proof" for a woman to be believed — but now that Cle0h shared proof it seems many are quick to say it's fabricated in an attempt to still side with sinatraa. So what more do women need to be believed?
Super responds (sort of) to sinatraa's abuse accusations
San Francisco Shock tank player Matthew "Super" DeLisi was streaming Overwatch when the news broke. It seemed that Cle0h's TwitLonger had caught him by surprise and was overwhelmed when his viewers asked him to talk about it.
"I don't know. I have to think about it," Super said. "He's a friend of mine. Just don't talk about it. If you want to figure out what's happening, go look on your own. But don't talk about it. Just don't."
Super hasn't made any public statement on the rape and abuse allegations against his former teammate since the stream. A lot of Shock fans felt that Super was possibly in, well, shock. While understandable, the community is now awaiting a proper response from Super. Many were frustrated that Super seemingly refused to read Cle0h's TwitLonger, which seemed like a possible denial of the situation.
Unfortunately Super isn't alone. Many esports fans and industry professionals have also completely denied Cle0h's personal account and screenshots, claiming she only wants "clout" due to sinatraa's popularity in VALORANT. Others feel she is damaging his reputation.
Won has stated that he's "fully cooperating" with the investigation and may even have more screenshots and videos to share. Some women have noted that him releasing videos of her sounds like a "threat" and might even be a violation of her privacy. It's unclear if sinatraa will end up releasing his conversations and recordings of his ex-girlfriend.
Right now, the esports community is awaiting the results of Sentinels' internal investigation.
Esports writer and editor with a passion for creating unique content for the gaming community.
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