As Teamfight Tactics Patch 11.4 rolls on, the development team announced on Wednesday morning that a B-patch would be going live later in the day to address a few bugs and champions that weren't sitting quite right.
Shared on the Twitter account of the game's Lead Designer, Stephen Mortimer, a total of six champions and items will be tweaked ahead of next week's Patch 11.5.
Despite receiving nerfs in the patch some called "Set 4.75," the development team is giving Nasus back some of his damage and sustain power by allowing him to cast his ability a little quicker.
After dominating the early stages of Set 4.5, Nidalee's ability was adjusted in the last patch to make her more of the long-range threat she was intended to be. Currently, the development team believes she is a little too weak as her spear at level 2 and 3 is receiving some love.
The interaction between Olaf and Runaan's Hurricane scaled his damage output to absurd levels so, naturally, that was nerfed. By the item no longer proccing Olaf's cleave effect, his power level won't be so directly tied to Hurricane. To compensate for the loss in power, he is receiving a bump to his Attack Damage.
While Talon isn't seeing any of his stats change, a simple bug fix will allow him to function properly. With his mana bar no longer dropping to 0 if his target died after reaching full mana, Talon will be able to lock on to another foe and unleash some pain.
Bug fixes to Quicksilver and Hurricane should allow them to perform how they were designed to and reduce their power level.
Tim Rizzo is the editor and a reporter for Inven Global. He joined the company back in 2017.
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