YouTuber Timothy Wilks, 20, has been shot and killed while making a prank robbery video for his YouTube channel, the Washington Post reports. On 9:25 p.m. Friday, Feb. 5, Wilks and a friend of his approached a group of people, which included the shooter, David Starnes Jr., 23. Wilks and his friend held butcher knives as they approached the group, at which point Starnes — who was legally allowed to carry a handgun — shot Wilks in, claiming he believed he and the others in the group were in danger.
At the time of reporting, no arrests have been made, and the police are conducting additional investigation. According to Tennessee's code, a person has "no duty to retreat before using deadly force, as long as you are acting lawfully and are in a place you have a right to be in."
Prank videos are extremely popular YouTube content still, and the views on many of them are in the millions. Channels like BigDawsTv (7.49M subscribers) and ThatWasEpic (5.42M subscribers) command large followings. Although not all of their content is of "prank robberies", a quick YouTube search shows why content creators are even considering doing this type of content — some videos have views in the eight figures.
More news on Timothy Wilks' death and police investigation as we get them.
Esports editor and journalist of 10+ years. Lives on black tea and corgi love.
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