Videogamedunkey or Dunkey for short is one of gamings most popular online voices. His Youtube videos highlight his unique stream of consciousness delivery of unfiltered thoughts and opinions on a game's quality and, as a result, his 6.59M subscribers pay close attention to the games he thinks are worthy of playing.
Now trending on YouTube, Dunkey covered the best games of 2020 and to his fan's surprise, listed Heroes of the Storm, the Hero Brawler / MOBA developed by Blizzard as one of the best. Heroes of the Storm has had more PR lows than highs throughout its lifespan, with the unsanctimonious end of its HGC competitive league cementing it's "dead game" by competitive fans. Despite this, Blizzard and the game developers have never stopped updating the game and adding new features.
Throughout the review, Dunky highlights the 20 minute average game time, the variety of unique heroes, 15 playable maps, and the game's fast-paced actions as the game's best features. Many comparisons with League of Legends are made, with the central point being that Heroes of the Storm is a more enjoyable gaming experience, despite not being as complex or competitive.
Here are Dunkeys key takeaways:
"This game is great because it lets you play a game like League of Legends without having to actually play League of Legends.
"This is no longer a casualized shell of a better game. They have added so much wacky stuff at this point, that League is now the smaller game."
"It's not the most complex MOBA, it's not the most competitive MOBA -- it's just the fun one"
The Heroes of the Storm community has always remained active despite the game's initial marketing confusion (Blizzard insisted on labeling the game as a Hero Brawler and not a MOBA) and popular slumps, and Dunkey's positive outlook on the game is well warranted. Heroes of the Storm was designed to maximize the most interesting parts of MOBA's, Hero abilities, skirmishes and team fights, and remove the most frustrating elements.

These frustrating elements include the need to farm resources, last hitting units, and the winning strategy of a "late-game carry" destroying everything while more supporting heroes become vision bots and easy kills. To fix this, Heroes of the Storm features a talent system that encourages teams to experience their power spikes all at the same time and has in recent years included "questing" talents that re-create the experience of farming heroes that need to satisfy certain conditions for big power spikes.
Heroes of the Storm might very well be experiencing its own No Man's Sky resurgence, as the initial problems with the game that rightfully turned off seasoned MOBA players have been largely removed. Heroes of the Storm has changed over the years and Dunkey may be on to something by labeling it as one of the best games of 2020.
Warcraft 3 is my one true love and I will challenge anyone to a game of Super Smash Brothers Melee.
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Comments :1
level 1 GarryFord
I was looking forward to this news, thank you very much.