On the 21st, in the 2021 LCK Spring Split, Gen.G defeated T1 2-1. Although they fell to T1 by the storm brought by T1’s bot lane in the first game, Gen.G won the following two games to collect the win. With today’s win, Gen.G maintained their place in the standings, undefeated with a 3-0 record, in 1st place. After the match, Park “Ruler” Jae-hyuk joined Inven for an interview.
In the first game, Gumayusi had a great performance.
We a worse comp in the first game. When it’s Aphelios and Thresh vs. Kai’Sa, it’s difficult for Kai’Sa. Up to now, I just picked Kai’Sa thinking that I should win through my raw prowess, but the opponent had a very good comprehension of the comp and was really skilled with the champions. Rell was also really bad to play against Thresh and their jungle was Pantheon which also made us feel pressured. The difference got bigger than we thought.
You concentrated your bans on ADCs in game 2. What was your intention?
Samira had too many variables and she could be enabled through the comp, so we banned her. As for Aphelios, from what we prepared, we had a flexible ban from the blue side, and the coaching staff wanted to ban him.
In game 3, you picked Kalista even though Kai’Sa was available.
It’s connected to the first game. They picked Pantheon first, and we had the Camille-Nidalee comp. I thought it would be disadvantageous to lane with Kai’Sa. I picked Kalista to gain lane priority. When I was practicing Kalista, the more I practiced, the more I thought she was bad, but she’s rather good in competitions since the priority is very important. I felt that she’s a decent pick today.
If felt that you broke the chain of the three strong ADCs: Aphelios, Kai’Sa, and Samira.
Kalista just didn’t appear that often. I think she could be used by not only me but anybody. The laning phase is really important so it’s good.
Let’s talk about Life’s Jarvan IV. Life says that he thought Gen.G will win as soon as he got his hands on Jarvan IV.
Hmmm… The Kalista-Jarvan IV comp’s stability lacks more than you’d think. When Jarvan IV uses his Q or E, they get really exposed to ganks. It’s dangerous even in situations where Jarvan IV didn’t use those skills as well. When we’re ganked, Jarvan IV could run with E-Q, but if that happens, I die. Fortunately, we didn’t give many chances like that.
Life says that his Jarvan IV isn’t as good as Ambition's.
He’s just being humble. Life always treats older people well and says good things about them. I think Life’s Jarvan IV is better than Ambition's.
How was the shotcall made for Baron in game 3?
Rascal used Teleport near Baron and it felt that they didn’t see it. He called us to try Baron and thanks to him, we were able to take Baron easily. Everything was just coincidental.
It also feels that Gen.G invests more in the top lane nowadays.
I think the meta focuses on the top side more, so we give more strength to Rascal and his performance was really good. Still, we’re trying to be flexible like today.
Your next opponent is Hanwha Life Esports.
Looking into the players individually, all of Hanwha Life Esports players are really good. We need to prepare well.
Any last comments to the fans?
We started a 3-game winning streak with today’s win. I know that there are a lot of fans out there that are cheering for us. We’re really working hard and we’ll keep running so please cheer for us until the end. We’ll keep improving on the way. Thank you.
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