Not long ago, Ulman was the partner of a Treasure-Seeking Seelie, but for reasons unknown, the Seelie suddenly stopped responding to him.
However, this Seelie seems to be quite interested in you. Perhaps you can become its new treasure-hunting partner...
Travelers, are you ready for your first in-game pet? With the upcoming release of the new 5-star Cyro character Ganyu, Mihoyo has released a new limited event to gain some nice free primogems, resources, and most importantly, your own personal Seelie! Titled the Lost Riches, for the next week players have the opportunity to explore different areas of Teyvat on a daily basis to obtain new event currency. Similar to previous limited events, progress is limited as each day a new goal is unlocked. In addition, an event exchange shop is available for players to purchase multiple items including the mini seelie. This event arrived not long after the completion of The Chalk Prince and the Dragon event, so players should make this a priority for the next 7 days so they can gain everything this has to offer at no additional resin cost!

When you reach AR20, the event will become available in the events menu.
To unlock the event, players must be Adventure Rank 20 in order to start the quest that leads you to Ulman who will get you started on the event as shown in the screenshot above. In contrast to the previous event, there’s not a long questline to progress through, and Ulman will provide you with everything you need to get started immediately. If you are new to the game and haven’t explored most of Liiyue yet, you will find some of the areas you will need to visit are near Liyue teleport waypoints. So you will accomplish two tasks at once when participating in this event; world map completion and event farming!

Ulman is located at Stone Gate in Liyue, speak to him to gain a mini seelie and Ulman’s Treasure Book which provides you the information needed to start the event. The seelie is a limited time equipable item that will summon a mini Seelie at your side. While you are exploring areas shown in the treasure maps it will act as a metal detector and beep when near coin locations.

This is a very easy event to complete for all players; it’s a simple treasure hunt that requires you to search two different areas that unlock daily. Each treasure area will be circled as a clue to give you a general idea of where to search. The goal is to find 60 coins in each area which can be identified easier through the mini Seelie given to you by Uldman. The amount of coins you find will be tracked in the event details page as shown below.

In each area you explore you will need to equip and activate your mini Seelie. While the seelie will not give you direct locations of the coins, it will start to beep when it is close. All you have to do is stop and look around once you hear it. Coins locations will be identified by glowing nodes in the ground. Simply dig and the following results can occur:
Treasure location results:
- Find 20 coins
- Find 8 coins
- Find coins and fight a small group of enemies
- Find coins and resources (food ingredients or mining ores)

At different periods during the event you will have the option of searching for Special Treasure. These treasure locations are harder to locate as the clue is only a picture with a hint of the location; see above as an example. When found, they provide a challenge totem for you to activate and complete in order to receive an even greater reward of primogems, mora, and other items. As you can see from the screenshot below, the dig site is located exactly at the landmark identified in the treasure clue.

Activating the dig site will provide a challenge totem for players to beat to obtain the secret treasure. This particular Secret Treasure was a simple battle.

Earning 120 coins a day should allow you to purchase most of the items in the shop if you aren’t able to complete every treasure location before the event ends. Note that the shop will continue to remain open even after the event ends for a week or so. The most important items here are the seelies at the bottom and the primogems; however, you cannot purchase the mini Seelie until after you explore treasure area 14. So if you cannot complete every location prior to the end of the event, you will not be able to purchase a mini Seelie. Also, you can only buy one, so choose your colors wisely as you cannot switch it later! Hopefully all players participate in this event as it is very easy and this is currently the only way to obtain your first in-game pet seelie.
Good luck and happy treasure hunting!
Exos Heroes and Gacha gaming specialist dedicated to bringing top-tier strategy and gameplay advice
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Comments :1
level 1 patsm00re18
I'm waiting for this game for a while.