Cyberpunk 2077 players are creating stunning photography work with the built-in Photo Mode. From beautiful Night City landscapes to shots packed with action, the community gets creative with the numerous editing possibilities featured.
Players can access the Photo Mode by pressing the default key “N”, which causes the game to freeze, while you can toggle between the first-person view, which is perfect for landscape shots, or the drone view, which allows the camera to capture V in any angle you wish to.
From customizable looks found in the several apparel shops in Night City to a pose library, you can create your own reality inside the game. The Photo Mode also has features like a vignette mode and chromatic aberration effects.

If you are feeling creative, Cyberpunk 2077 is holding a Photo Mode contest titled “Shutterpunk 2077”, with submissions open until January 10th, 2021. The contest has three different categories, with a focus on Portrait shots, Action shots, and Sights of Night City. Prizes include official Cyberpunk goodies, like the Alienware gaming laptop, Secret Lab chair, Displate posters, and Razer gear.

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Comments :1
level 1 WildHog
It's almost like the majority of these contestants didn't read the rules and just ended up using the frames, stickers and photo manipulation programs in their works.
Who would have thought!