VALORANT has released new set of cosmetic customizations for weapons just in time for the holidays. Inspired by idyllic winter towns in Europe, the Winterwunderland skin line is here to bring some levity and holiday cheer to VALORANT this season.
The Winterwunderland gun wrap features a moving texture of a winter holiday scene that turns into a night scene when you stand in dark-lit areas of the map. The wrap is available for the Ghost, the Marshal, the Phantom, and the Vandal. In addition, the Melee skin features four color schemes on a giant candy can so one can wallop opponents merrily.
VALORANT Art Lead Sean Marino took inspiration from his personal life in designing the Winterwunderland gun skin, specifically in the form of a vacation to Europe 18 months prior to VALORANT's release.
"I was inspired to make Winterwunderland based on a three-week trip I took to Europe in December 2018. My fiance and I traveled through many small towns and, after a while, every small town felt a lot like the last one," said Marino. "We visited lots of holiday markets, drank hot apple cider, and ate really delicious food. I wanted to capture that same idyllic feeling with this skin, as if you are looking inside a literal snowglobe of a small winter town."
The Winterwunderland skin set bundle is 5100 VP, but if a player wants to be selective with their cosmetic purchases, each gun wrap is 1275 VP, and the four Melee candy canes cost 2550 VP. The Winterwunderland skins can be viewed below:

All images by: Riot Games
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