On March 7th (KST), Day 25 of 2017 LCK Spring Split ended with a match between two rivals - MVP and bbq Olivers.
Although bbq Olivers may have won their previous match against MVP, it wasn't the case this time as MVP defeated bbq with a 2-0 record.
Gyuseok "Beyond" Kim picked Graves in both games and carried the team into victory. He was still a formidable jungler in smite fights, and he scaled well into the late game and dealt significant damage.
Here is our interview with Gyuseok "Beyond" Kim.
Congratulations on defeating your rival, bbq Olivers! How do you feel right now?
I'm glad that we've managed get our payback after our loss in Round 1, and I hope that we finish at higher place than bbq Olivers.
You seem to doing much better than before. Have you practiced a lot?
I try to keep myself focused whenever my mind goes astray by practicing harder. It's easier now that I can play in an environment where I can focus better. Also, Jongbin "Max" Jung called me 'Mr. Zero-MVP-Points'. (Laughs) I think that might why I've playing well lately. (Laughs)
Speaking of Max, he really did well with Tahm Kench in Game 2.
Well, he made a lot of clutch saves, but Gunmo "ADD" Kang also did well with Nautilus. To be honest, I think it should have been given to the player who played Graves. (Laughs)
Do you think Graves is the best jungler in the current metagame?
I think Rengar and Graves are the top-tier junglers, and it feels like Kha'Zix is a level below these two. All other junglers feel like they have something missing in their kit, but it doesn't feel that way for those two. If both Rengar and Graves reach Level 6 at the same time, I think Graves is slightly stronger than Rengar. Also, ever since the junglers started to begin the jungle rotation from the Razorbeak camp, it's much easier to plan the rotation with Graves than with other junglers.
Midlaner's initiative is also very important for Graves to do counterjungling, but it didn't go as planned in Game 2 as Ian Junhyung "Ian" Ahn got countered by bbq's Ekko.
I didn't farm as well as I should have because I had to care for the midlaner. It only started to get better after bbq made a bad call by rotating the botlane duo to the toplane.
Now that you are doing very well, people consider you as being a part of the "Will of the B.", together with Blank and Bengi. Do you agree?
Well, that's one reason why I picked a name that starts with B. (Laughs) I have to say that I'm glad that I can be considered as their peer.
MVP's vision control became much better than before. How did you improve?
I used to argue a lot with Max about vision control, but I think we got better as we started to understand each other after talking it out. We still have a long way to go though, since we are not as good as stronger teams at vision control.
MVP's draft strategies also seem to be more varied as well. Was your draft more restricted because you couldn't play with various champions?
We all were in slump at that time. So, the head coach kept us to a strict schedule to break us out of the slump, and he also followed the same schedule as well. He told us it was to keep us fit for scrims and official match schedules.
ADD is doing very well nowadays. Can you tell us how he improved?
He really does well with enough practice. However, he can still be too greedy. I think he can be a candidate for 'Best Top World' if he learns how to read the game better.
Your next match will be against Afreeca Freecs. You've defeated them before, right?
They still won't be easy to beat. I want to prepare well enough so that we'd get a clean win by exploiting their weaknesses.
It seems that you are well on your way towards playoffs.
It's still too early to say that because our starting position in playoffs depends on how well we do in the regular season. I think we will do better in the next season if we do get into playoffs for this split. I think we are making a good progress towards the World Championship.
Thank you for your time. Any parting words?
I'd like to thank our fans, head coach and other coaching staffs. Also, we are all doing live streams, so feel free to join in our channels.
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