UPDATE 11/19: 100 Thieves formally announced their final roster consisting of Ssumday, Closer, Damonte, FBI, and huhi.
UPDATE 11/15: Travis Gafford has reported that 100 Thieves will acquire AD carry Victor "FBI" Huang and jungler Can "Closer" Çelik from Golden Guardians at the beginning of the free agency window on November 16 at 4:00pm PT.

UPDATE 11/9: 100 Thieves and Cody Sun have both confirmed they are parting ways, effective immediately, making Cody Sun a free agent available for the 2021 season.
According to a recent report by ESPN's Jacob Wolf, 100 Thieves is in conversation with their AD Carry, Liyu "Cody" "Cody Sun" Sun, that would have him exit the team before the 2021 season. As per the Global Contract Database, Cody Sun is under contract with the team until November 16, 2021, requiring an amendment to be made for the contract to be broken.
Cody Sun and 100 Thieves have a complex history, with Cody being their first-ever ADC when they entered the scene in 2018, helping them place second in their first split and qualify for Worlds at the end of the season. However, he did not play at Worlds with the team due to disagreements within the team and was instead replaced by his Academy counterpart, Richard "Rikara" Oh.
Cody then left 100 Thieves, joining Clutch Gaming for the 2019 season, just to leave after one season to rejoin 100 Thieves again in the off-season leading up to 2020. However, he and the team are now reportedly working to end his contract prematurely.
The free agency period begins the night of November 16th, but teams and players often work through their options leading up to the actual free agency. Find all of the confirmed and rumored roster moves in our mega-post here, and stay tuned for more roster news in the coming weeks.
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