On Saturday, the semifinals of the 2020 LoL World Championship will begin. It will be LCK’s last hope, DAMWON Gaming, and LEC’s powerhouse, G2 Esports clashing for a spot in the grand finals. Just last year, DAMWON Gaming had been eliminated by G2 Esports in the quarterfinals. After a year, they’ve been sharpening their blades for revenge.
As Gen.G and DRX were eliminated in the quarterfinals, DAMWON Gaming stands as the last team from the LCK. Prior to the semifinals, we reached out to Jang “Nuguri” Ha-gwon to ask how he’s been and how the team’s preparing to face G2 Esports.
You’ll be facing G2 Esports in the semifinals. How have you been doing?
It’s not much different from other days. We’ve been practicing and playing scrims. Playing solo queue after scrims… Other than that, I’ve been talking with the coaches or just having quality rest.
Last year, you were denied of the semifinals by G2 Esports. When it was decided that G2 Esports will be your opponents for the semifinals, how did the team react?
G2 Esports’ performance in this World Championship was really sharp and fierce, so we thought we should prepare thoroughly. We also said that we got our chance for revenge.
Who is the player you’re looking out for the most?
I’m looking out for Caps the most. His performance in the quarterfinals was really amazing.
How do you think the score would be against G2 Esports?
Well, I’m not sure. It’s hard to say what the score would be for the match. We would need to actually play against them to really know.
How are the players’ conditions?
Everyone’s alright. I think we’re all doing well.
DAMWON Gaming is the last team remaining from the LCK now. Do you feel pressure because of that?
There is a bit of pressure, but everyone’s will to win the championship is very strong.
Lastly, a word to all the fans that are cheering for you?
G2 is a team that creates many variables and strikes weaknesses very well. We need to have appropriate in-game shotcalls more precise. I’ll make sure that we show what we’ve been working on and improved over the last year at this semifinals.

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