On Sep. 26th, The LLA representatives, Rainbow7 was able to take the upset victory over LGD Gaming, LPL's #4 seed on day 2 of the 2020 LoL World Championships. After coming out of day 1 with a loss against PCS' #2 seed, PSG Talon, LGD now heads into day 3 with a 0-2 record.
The jungler for LGD, Han "Peanut" Wang-ho, joined Inven Global in a post-match interview to share his thoughts about the team's losses in the tournament. As he looked very anxious over his loss tonight, he also shared his mindset in his Worlds' journey, and also sent a message to his former teammates, Gwak "Bdd" Bo-seong and Park "Ruler" Jae-hyuk, currently both under Gen.G.
Despite everyone predicting LGD’s victory yesterday and today over PSG Talon and Rainbow7 respectively, LGD was unable to capture the victory on both days. What do you think went wrong?
There are so many things that we did wrong on both days… In terms of yesterday, I just told myself, “Okay, it’s the first day of Worlds, and it’s been a while since we played on stage.” I’ve been a pro gamer for a long time, but I really do feel that we have a lot of problems we need to fix at the moment.
There are so many reasons why we lost tonight, but to list some of them, our top, mid and jungle lost out on so much on the early top lane dive. Afterwards, we had a lot of vision in contest for the dragon, but our recall timings weren’t in sync, so in the middle of trying to do things hastily, we lost the dragon teamfight. We still had a lot of chances to win afterwards, and we’ve historically done so in the LPL. We played poor mechanically as well… There are a lot more reasons why we lost, and there are a lot of thoughts running through my head at the moment.
Heading into day 3 of Worlds 2020 and beyond, what are some of the things that need to be improved, as a team and individually?
In terms of our first match against PSG, we had a team composition that had a huge early game advantage, so while we took all the objectives around the map, all the towers were still up until 12 minutes. I headed into today’s match thinking, “Okay, even if I end up dying, I’m going to get my laners ahead or get a lead through skirmishes.” It… Didn’t work out.
Are there any teams in the play-in stages that surprised you? Which play-ins team do you think will be your toughest opponent?
The team that surprised people the most, even in my opinion, would have to be my team. Obviously, many people had high expectations for us, and I believed that we had the skills to back up the hype, but we’re 0-2 at the moment. The two teams that we’re playing tomorrow, V3 and UOL, are the teams that I’m most wary of at this moment.
Despite LGD’s current record, many people do still believe that the team will be moving up in groups. Is there a team or player that you really want to face in the later stages of the tournament?
Usually, I just jokingly say that I don’t really have anyone that I particularly want to face, but at this very moment, I want to face everyone. I know that if we make it to groups, we’ll be seeded in Group C, alongside TSM, Fnatic, and Gen.G. I want to face every single one of them.
Worlds is currently being played on the 10.19 patch. Are there any major changes in this patch?
I don’t think so. Apart from Caitlyn’s tier coming down from the top, I can’t think of any major changes right now.
Although you mentioned that there aren’t any major changes in 10.19, jungle champions such as Evelynn and Shen have been rising in pick rate. Are there any other champions that are rising in popularity in this patch?
As you said, Evelynn is a champion that’s up and coming, so alongside our team, I think a lot of other teams are practicing her as well. I think it comes down to the team’s playstyle, really. For Shen, LPL and LCK teams don’t think he’s good, while teams in the other regions, most notably LEC and LCS, think he is viable.
Why do you think such a difference is there between the East and the West?
I think that he’s not very good in teamfights. However, he has his merits, and it just comes down to how teams analyze the champion and fit it into their game plan.
Many teams will be on the lookout for interviews like this one, in order to scout out various players’ opinions, so for this next question, you can either tell the truth or tell a lie to throw people off. Which champion is Peanut’s pocket pick for this tournament?
I know how to play all the champions that are popular in the meta at the moment. However, the last time I played Evelynn on stage was before her latest rework, so be on the lookout for my Eve.
This is your first time returning to Worlds after 3 years. What is your mindset for this tournament?
This year’s Worlds is an incredible opportunity for me. I’ve had quite a few of such opportunities in my life, and while I successfully capitalized on some of them, I failed to make great use of them on others. This opportunity is one of those that rarely presents itself in life, so the only thing on my mind is to perform well. Playing on the Worlds’ stage really made me glad that I’m a pro gamer, but being 0-2 in the play-in stages makes me feel that much more driven and hungry for victory. I really feel embarrassed to lose, and I have a lot of thoughts running through my head at the moment.
Your old teammates, Bdd and Ruler, also made it to Worlds. Through this interview, Is there anything you’d like to say to them?
I never thought I want to meet men like I do tonight. I really hope to see you two in groups!
Lastly, can you share your personal Worlds’ goals with the fans?
The two matches that we have tomorrow could actually be our last matches at Worlds. I came into tonight’s matches thinking that I should be actively taking fights, but… Things just didn’t work out. I feel very sorry to the fans in Korea and around the world cheering me on, and I’ll make sure to win the remaining matches to have the Winners’ interview.
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level 1 jirenchan512
bonita entrevista a los perdedores y por que no a rainbow ?