Samira is the newest champion to join the League of Legends roster, but the Desert Rose was so powerful on her first day of play on Summoner's Rift that a micro-patch has been implemented to nerf her. This hotfix has gone straight to the live servers as opposed to going through a test process on the PBE.
Riot Games designer Blake "Squad5" Smith explained the changes via Twitter on Tuesday afternoon. Samira's base HP has been lowered from 600 to 530 and her ultimate ability's base damage and ratios have been lowered. Squad5 explained that the approach to a quick-balance hotfix on Samira was to make her early game more vulnerable and tone down the power of her R.
A single day might seem quick to micropatch nerfs for a new champion, but Samira is clearly in need of some immediate tuning. A clip from FlyQuest Academy top laner Mo "Revenge" Kaddoura circulated throughout the community as a primary example of just how absurd Samira can be in situations that should have a near-zero percent chance of survival.
While this is probably the last time Samira is touched until the next full patch, expect to see her atop the list of adjustments in the coming patches.
Samira is currently live on Summoner's Rift with her hotfix adjustments, but like Yone, will be disabled for the 2020 League of Legends World Championship to avoid any balancing issues with new champions in the competitive meta. The official Worlds patch will be 10.19, the patch prior to Samira's release, but with Yone removed from the roster of eligible champions for competition.
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