- Head over to the Pick'em page and log in
- For group stage, similar to previous years, once Pick'ems unlock for each Stage, you’ll be able to drag and drop your predictions in the order you think the individual groups will play out
- Once the Group Stage has finished, you'll be able to pick the winners for matches during the knockout stage and ultimately settle on who you think will take home the 2020 World Championship title
- You will receive points for each correct Pick'ems — the more points, the better the rewards
- Make sure you check back regularly to lock in your Pick'ems for each stage!
Group stage
Picks unlock and missions go live on Sept. 30, 4:00 p.m. PT
Picks lock and Group Stage mission goes offline on Oct. 2, 11:00 p.m. PT
Picks unlock and mission goes live on Oct. 11, 4:00 p.m. PT
Picks lock and quarterfinals mission goes offline on Oct. 14, 11:00 p.m. PT
Picks unlock and mission goes live on Oct. 18, 4:00 p.m. PT
Picks lock and semifinals stage mission goes offline on Oct. 23, 11:00 p.m. PT
Picks unlock and mission goes live on Oct. 25, 4:00 p.m. PT
Picks lock and Finals Stage mission goes offline on Oct. 30, 11:00 p.m. PT
Rewards for locking in your Picks on time:
Groups: 500 BE
Quarters: 500 BE + Random Champ Shard
Semis: 500 OE
Finals: Hextech Chest + Key
If you guess every stage of the competition correctky (wow, go you!) these are the prizes you can expect:
All five Ultimate Skins: a cache containing all five Ultimate Skins (DJ Sona, Spirit Guard Udyr, Pulsefire Ezreal, Elementalist Lux, and Gun Goddess Miss Fortune).
NEW: This year we are happy to announce an exciting new perfect pick prize — an exclusive Alienware Aurora Battlestation! You can play like the pros on a replica of the battlestations used at the 2020 World Championship!
We had so much fun dropping loot during Summer Split in LEC and LCS that we’re bringing it back for Worlds! Starting in Groups, watching a live game while logged into lolesports.com may net you a chance at some exclusive loot, codes, art, and more!
To make sure you’re eligible for drops, make sure you:
Remain logged into lolesports.com with a valid Riot ID to participate.
Opt-in to Rewards and Drops by visiting lolesports.com/rewards.
Watch a live game, not VODs or a Rebroadcast, for Drops.
Watch through lolesports.com - Drops will not work if you are watching on another website or via another stream provider.
When a Drop happens, a notification will slide over from the right side of the screen. If you’re watching in full screen, it’ll stay there until you return to normal. If you click it, you’ll see the details of your Drop.
If you miss the notification, you can visit lolesports.com/rewards and see the Drop anytime.
Some Drops will have a rare chance to drop better loot to a small subset of the audience. If that happens, you’ll know you got it because your Drop card will be iridescent and your reward will be bigger! If you miss a rare Drop, keep watching for another chance! If you don’t get the rare item, you still get a common reward.
- Worlds Loot Drops are sponsored by Riot, Mastercard, Oppo, State Farm, and Spotify.
- Drops are based on moments in competitive play and there is no guarantee that the conditions for a drop will be met.
Loot will be dropped for key moments:
- Anytime in each stage that a Pentakill happens
- The first time in a stage where the Dragon Soul is taken
- Anytime a series goes to game five
- Anytime a pro player gets over 450 CS in a single game and then anytime a player after that beats the record that was just set
- During the Opening Ceremony of Finals
- If a North American Team wins (NA Fans Only)
- During the third Ace achieved in each stage
- Loot will also be dropped for a few surprising moments, such as when a team is upset, a team is on a streak, casters are going crazy over a massive play, and other meme-worthy moments.
While subject to changes as the tournament goes on, the following loot may be dropped:
10-Year Commemorative Esports Capsules
Custom Branded Hextech Chests from our partners
Lolesports.com Minion Icons
Discount Codes from our partners
Exclusive Music content from our partners
Lolesports.com Ward Skins and Emotes
Worlds Tokens
Blue Essence
Each Drop will come with an exclusive piece of collectible art that can be viewed on the rewards page anytime.
Drop art will be made available after Worlds for download in larger formats for those interested.
Anyone outside of China or SEA visiting lolesports.com and logging in with a Riot ID can see and receive Drops.
Some Drops will only be available in specific countries and you must watch from those countries on an account that is applicable to that region.
You’ll receive one Watch mission about one day before Play-Ins begin.
You must watch the Worlds broadcast on lolesports.com to complete the first mission - you can watch live or as a VOD!
After completion, you’ll immediately receive a second mission to watch five games and completing that will grant a third and final mission to watch ten games.
You’ll have roughly a week after Worlds ends to complete these missions.
On October 26, you’ll receive a unique Watch mission that can only be completed by watching the Finals that will reward 10 Worlds tokens!
500 BE per mission completed
Finals Mission: 10 Worlds tokens!
Starting with the Play-In Stage on September 25, you can earn an in-game drop of legacy esports content by linking your Riot account with your YouTube account and watching Worlds. Get more info and link your accounts here.
Worlds 2020 Exclusives
There is a lot to be excited for Worlds 2020! Read below for more information on the new updates coming to the Rift and in the Shop.
On the Rift
SR Arena banners
Championship Leblanc Skin and Championship Ward
Worlds Event Pass: more info here.
Worlds 10-Year Anniversary Capsule
Celebrate 10 years of League of Legends Esports with an exclusive capsule containing legacy icons and emotes from the very best teams since Worlds 2014.
In Riot Regions, exclusive to Drops and Youtube account linking promotion. Opening does not require a hextech key and contains a random, already existing Worlds icon or emote from the first and second place teams from most of the Worlds past starting in 2014.
Also includes event icons and emotes released from previous Worlds.
Worlds 2020 Team Icons and Emotes
All teams participating at Worlds will have their own unique icons and emotes! Revenue will be shared with teams. They will be available in the Accessories tab in the League of Legends client on September 24 @ 1:00 PM PT. Icons will be 250 RP each and emotes will be 350 RP each.
Supporting Worlds Teams
When you purchase Championship LeBlanc, the Championship Ward, Worlds 2020 Team Icons, or Worlds 2020 Team Emotes, you are directly helping the Worlds teams.
Championship LeBlanc Skin and Championship Ward
25% of the revenue from Championship LeBlanc will be allocated to teams who qualify for Worlds 2020. Half of this amount (12.5%) will be distributed based on tournament performance. The remaining portion (12.5%) will be distributed equally among all teams who qualify for the event.

Worlds 2020 Team Icons and Emotes
50% of revenue from the Worlds 2020 Team Icons and Emotes are allocated to teams who qualify for Worlds 2020.
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