One of the best ways to accumulate free Xes in-game is through Yupir’s Labyrinth. This daily activity consists of five dungeons each with five stages of increasing difficulty. Only one stage may be cleared per day and entry is granted after every daily reset. Every month there is a new rotation of dungeons to claim your daily free Xes. The breakdown of Xes per stage:
- Stage 1 - 30 Xes
- Stage 2 - 50 Xes
- Stage 3 - 100 Xes
- Stage 4 - 200 Xes
- Stage 5 - 250 Xes
As there are a total of five dungeons with the same Xes reward for each of their five stages, the total amount of free Xes a player can obtain monthly 3150 is Xes! That is a substantial amount for free to play players and low spenders. As the first four stages are fairly simple for all players, let's review the mechanics for every stage five battle to help you pick the units to clear each one.
A feature of Yupir’s Labyrinth that players can benefit from is the fact that any stage in any dungeon can be completed at any time in the month. So if you wanted to start the month completing every stage 5 for the first week, that’s entirely up to you. My recommendation would be to wait until a weekly banner for a unit you need and tackle the final stages that week to obtain more Xes for more recruitment opportunities.
The difficulty in completing every stage in each dungeon stems from the hidden mechanic that is added to each boss fight. When entering a boss fight for any given stage, you need to expect some trial and error in your first attempt in order to try and solve the unique challenge you will have to overcome to win. Luckily, this guide will provide you the details for the current final stages.

- All units should be at level 75+, preferably level 90, so they can be equipped with a full set of armor.
- All units used for a stage should be geared in full fated gear at level 60, especially if you have some units that have not been blessed to a max 6-star grade.
- Damage dealers should always be burst units at 6-star grade to maximize the burst damage potential. If not using burst damage, units enhanced with Signature Force level 1 are very good alternatives.
- Supports and tanks can be 5-star, but not recommended as your mana will be limited.
- All units used should be +5 enhanced to maximize stats.

The easiest of the five dungeons is the Sky Gate due to it having the easiest challenge to battle and the boss having the lowest CP level. In this stage, the final battle is against Otard. You can see from the screenshot that her base stats are significantly increased at level 90. In addition, her standard passive is not shown given the fact that it’s been modified to make this fight more challenging. In this battle, Otard counters every hit she takes. That said, it benefits you want to bring multiple damage dealers with Burst damage. In addition, as Otard hits very hard with her skilled attacks, you will want to bring a frontline tank and support that will help provide sustainment for your team. Tanks with Protect and/or Share Health abilities are preferred and will help to keep you alive, but not required. A backrow balanced formation is recommended with the following heroes for this stage:
- Frontline Defense Types
- Ideal - FC Tantalo, FC or normal Garff, FC or normal Uloom,
- Good - Degas, Liechtenstein, Tantalo, and Griesel
- Frontline Support Types
- Ideal - FC Anastasia and FC Lepin
- Good - Cybele, Kaya, FC Iris
- Backline Damage Dealers
- Ideal - Bathory, FC Annie, FC Rera, FC Adams, FC Morris, FC Deva, Rachel, Rudley
- Good - Bernadette, Sabrina, Baraka, Jinn, Scarlet, Otard, normal Morris, Nermash, Deradan

The next stage to hit would be Sky Path 5, as the boss for this stage, Mahar, has the second lowest CP of all five bosses. The challenge for this stage is the elemental damage immunity from Mahar. At every 20% health interval his vulnerability to a specific element changes. The order is fire, frost, machine, dark, and nature. The easiest way to determine when his damage immunity will change is by comparing the level of his HP bar to his mana bar. The line breaks for each mana stack of mana represents the threshold for his damage immunity. Again, use damage dealers with burst skills to nuke him down fast.
Back row emphasis with four burst units and a single front-line healer or tank is a good strategy here. Also, if your gear and CP level is high enough, you can do enough damage to skip an element if you lack burst damage dealers for a particular element. Potential units to use from Fated to Rare:
- Fire — FC Annie (ideal), Rachel, Magi, Scarlet, Otard, Deradan
- Frost — Bathory (ideal), Berndatte (f2p unit from Summer Festa), Kirina
- Machine — FC Deva (ideal), Baraka, Jinn, Yao, Morris
- Dark — FC Adams (ideal), Nermash
- Nature — Rudley (ideal), Rera, Astarte, Venato
In addition, as mentioned before, your damage dealers should all be 6-star grade to increase maximum damage output. If you were lucky enough to recruit a FC Iris, I highly recommend using her as your solo frontline unit as her mana boost helps greatly to speed this fight. Otherwise, using a tank or healer with elemental damage you are missing the backline will be essential here to prevent a stalemate.

This third dungeon may be easier for some than the second battle as elemental damage is not mitigated here. However, Starry Corridor 5 against the legendary hero Buck does have its challenges. This is mainly a battle of survival as Buck is accompanied by 4 other units that have the ability to reflect damage. In addition, Buck will revive the adds the next round after they die, so aoe burst damage must be used carefully to avoid the reflect damage buff when it’s applied to the adds. Typical AOE burst damage is recommended here, but single target nukers will work well. Similar to the battle against Mahar, back row emphasized formation is recommended here with 4 burst damage dealers and a frontline healer. While any AOE burst damage dealers would be viable here, potential units to consider:
- Frontline Support/Defense
- Ideal — FC Lepin, FC Iris, FC Anastasia, FC Tantalo, Garff
- Good — Uloom, Anastasia, Chati, Degas, Liechtenstein, FC Glenn
- Backline Damage Dealers
- Ideal — FC or normal Bathory, FC Annie, FC Rera, FC Rudley, FC Adams, FC Deva, FC Scarlet, FC Bernadette
- Good — FC or normal Rachel/Baraka/Jinn, Rudley, Bernadette, Scarlet, FC or normal Otard, Nermash, Deradan, FC or normal Morris

This stage is one that some consider to be the most difficult and frustrating stage to complete given the unique ability given to Talia. In this battle, Talia gains increased critical hit chance with consecutive attacks so she will hit very hard every turn and potentially wipe your entire team in one turn.
A strong frontline healer with a revive ability is necessary here; FC Lepin level 90+ with full fated armor will make this battle easy mode as she can withstand her attacks, revives, and provides damage immunity to revived units. However, for those with no FC Lepin, using a very tanky healer in the frontline with Chati in the backline is highly recommended here. Chati being one of the most common fated units to recruit, should not be hard to obtain for free to play or low spenders. Chati is recommended in the backline due to her shield, which is only applied to backline units.
Backrow emphasized formation here is also recommended with strong burst damage dealers. Build mana the first two rounds using only normal attacks so you can use burst attacks in the first round. Recommended units for this battle include:
- Frontline Support/Defense
- Ideal — FC Lepin, Garff (if paired with Rudley), or FC Iris (high level players can use her to build mana nd potentially down Talia by the second round)
- Good — Degas, FC Tantalo, FC Luke
- Backline Damage Dealers and 1 Support (Chati)
- Ideal — Bathory, Rudley, FC Morris, FC Annie, FC Adams, FC or normal Rachel
- Good — Baraka, Jinn, Bernadette, Sabrina, Scarlet, Yao, Kirina, FC or normal Otard, normal Morris, Nermash, Deradan

The final dungeon, Abyssal Path 5, has a boss with the highest CP and is similar to the battle against Talia as Magi hits very hard with her AOE attacks. The difference here is that she does not have a 100% critical hit chance so there is a higher potential for your team to survive her first attack. She also does not have a healing ability like Talia. However, she is immune to nature damage, gains 10% health per round, and gains a barrier once per round.
This version of Magi also gains mana after every turn you take so she is able to use her Active 2 skill on her first turn. Similar to the Talia battle, having FC Lepin will make this battle very easy for the same reasons mentioned before. However, the general strategy here is to use a frontline defense type with a protect/share health ability or a shield to mitigate damage, a support type to heal or revive, and backline burst damage dealers. If you have all level 90 units with full fated armor then going full damage with a single tank is also viable.
Recommended units are similar to the Talia battle excluding nature damage dealers:
- Frontline Support/Defense
- Ideal — FC Lepin, Garff, or FC Iris (high level players can use her to build mana and potentially down Talia by the second round with a full burst damage team)
- Good — Neomi (if paired with Dorka), Degas, FC Luke
- Backline Damage Dealers
- Ideal — Bathory, FC Morris, FC Annie, FC Adams, FC or normal Rachel, FC Deva
- Good — Dorka (if paired with Neomi and have high enough attack), Baraka, Jinn, Bernadette, Sabrina, Scarlet, Yao, Kirina, FC or normal Otard, normal Morris, Nermash, Deradan
Exos Heroes and Gacha gaming specialist dedicated to bringing top-tier strategy and gameplay advice
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