Wait, it's all Fnatic vs G2 Esports? Always has been. Yet again, just a week after breaking the League European Championship peak viewership record, G2 vs FNC break it again in the LEC Finals with over a million watching in Game 3 at its peak, according to Esports Charts. The G2 vs Fnatic series last week set a record at a near 900,000 peak viewers, but it couldn't live up to their rematch in the Finals which drew in an additional 100,000 viewers, despite the series ending in a 3-0 sweep for G2.
This is also just the second time a non-international game has broken a million peak viewers (outside of the LPL), and showcases the growth the LEC has seen since its franchise going into 2019. Prior to the league's rebranding, restructuring, additional sponsors, and complete makeover, they peaked just over half a million in the 2018 Spring Split. Two years later, they've doubled those numbers. For further comparison, the LCS Summer Split Playoffs have so far peaked at 535,000 viewers, matching that EU LCS 2018 peak.
The LEC has continued to level up their production, both during weekend matches and in their other content, which brings massive value to their league and overall product. Additionally, the LEC has found massive success internationally over the last few years, bolstering multiple runs through to semifinals, finals, and even an MSI trophy. The league's player talent, flashy plays, strong production, and commitment to growing their brand has paid off.

The LEC has been awarded an additional seed at this year's Worlds competition in Shanghai starting later this month and will send G2, FNC, RGE, and MAD to represent them.
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