In the LEC everyone beats everyone, but in the end, it’s always G2 VS Fnatic.
G2 Esports has beaten Rogue 3-2 in the best of five semifinals series. Today’s winner will be taking a shot at Fnatic in the League of Legends European Championship finals tomorrow, at 5PM CEST.
In the Analyst Desk, Froskurinn brought up the level gap between Rogue’s Top Laner Finn and G2 Esports’ Wunder, and how the champion pool scarcity of the first would potentially hurt the team. When playing against G2, known for their draft diversity, a disadvantage in champion mastering can make it or break it.
With a nail-biter series where both teams swept each other after each game, the mood for the fifth and final match was definitely more cautious. G2 Esports and Rogue showed up, and it’s evident why they are on top of their league.
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