One split into his career, Edward "Tactical" Ra is going to Worlds. He won Rookie of the Year, he got 2nd All-Pro ADC, and now he is just a couple series away from flying across the seas to Shanghai to play against the best of the best. Team Liquid's Zoomer helped take the team from 9th in spring to 1st in Summer, beating their previous regular season record at 15-3, and leapfrogging the Spring Split Champions, Cloud9.
But despite the incredible achievements, Tactical isn't at all satisfied with where he is in his career. He vows to work harder and find ways to improve and grow as an ADC and teammate. Despite his accomplishments, he remains humble.
We spoke with Tactical after his qualification to Worlds with his victory over Golden Guardians. Read the transcript below.
You just made it to Worlds in your first split as a pro! Does it feel weird or surreal at all?
Yeah, it feels kind of weird. It for sure feels weird that like... in such a short amount of time in my career I'm going to be able to go to Worlds. I'm really excited.
Who do you think is going to win and go alongside you with the third seed now that we've seen everyone else play?
I think C9 would be the best team to go because I think they deserve it. In these recent performances, they have not been looking good, but outside of this week, they've been looking really good.
What are you most excited about going to Worlds?
Thank you. Thank you for that nice in-depth answer! Who would you hope to play against? Any exciting lane matchups or people you look up to that you'd want to meet?
Ohhhh, I don't know, because everyone is really good. So I'm kind of worried about that. Basically that means everyone, I'm excited by everyone.
Tactical!! Sure they are all good, but any specifics?
I'd be excited to play GenG because Park "Ruler" Jae-hyuk was Jo "CoreJJ" Yong-in's previous duo partner. That would be cool to beat them. Plus, a lot of people say he's one of the best right now and teams will triple ban AD Carries versus GenG a lot. So there's a lot of respect for him.

What are your thoughts on the Rookie of the Year? [Interview conducted before Tactical was announced as the winner.]
I guess right now, maybe the general consensus is that I'm the best rookie in the League, but I still want to do better.
When we spoke in May, you said something about how you don't want to just be like a good Bot Laner, you want to be the best player that you can be. Do you feel like you accomplished that goal?
No, I don't think I'm close yet. I still think there's a lot of stuff to do.
What did you think of the other Bot Laners, the split? For the All-Pro voting, it was Jesper "Zven" Svenningsen, then you, and then Victor "FBI" Huang. Do you feel like that is accurate?
I think it's probably accurate for now, but it always kind of depends. It's hard to tell the differences between how ADCs think within a team because it could be affected a lot by just how the team style is. But for now, it's pretty correct.
Do you want to say anything to your fans, to the people who've been following you?
Obviously, I want to say thanks for all the support and I hope I can show how great I can be. Basically, I'm not close to where I want to be. So keep on watching, and I'll become that much better in the future.
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