TSM announced earlier this week that they were starting Erik "Treatz" Wessén for Week 6 of the League Championship Series. Treatz was Edward "Tactical" Ra's first ever professional Support, playing for TSM Academy throughout 2019, and together, they won the Spring Split Academy Playoffs. Now one year later, Tactical is playing in the LCS for Team Liquid, and welcomes Treatz with a letter, offering encouragement, advice, and just a tiny hint of spice.
(*Note: This piece was reformatted and stylized to fit as a letter, with transitional phrases added in for clarity and smoothness, along with slight tweaks in syntax. The content was provided by Tactical himself.)
Hey there Treatz,
Welcome to the LCS. You finally made it. I know the players are a bit better up here, but keep doing what you did before, and I'm sure you'll do well. Don't get nervous! But if you do, just try to focus on the game as much as possible and think about nothing else. I didn't really have a specific strategy to deal with my own nerves, but I just tried to do my best. =)
There were a bunch of changes moving to LCS for me. I noticed there was much less time wasted - there was almost always something to do. In Academy, sometimes it took around a minute to realized what we are playing for, but in LCS it's almost instant, so it felt like the games were just higher tempo/paced. Also I noticed my laning was not as good as I thought, but CoreJJ helped me a lot fixing these habits I had during laning. (Why didn't you tell me?)
You're a great Support, of course, but I think at times it would be very beneficial for you if you could find more balance to your aggression. I mean, you are definitely very proficient at punishing enemies' mistakes and snowballing games, so keep that up! But just don't forget that one time last year where you were blatantly dead, and then you just suddenly yelled, "TURN TURN TURN!" and proceeded to just die 1 second later. Hahaha! It was basically just an impossible situation to turn, we should have just run off! But I respect that you're always looking for opportunities until you reach 0 HP.

I know that my career has been pretty lucky so far. I was able to win my first ever competitive split with you and three other veteran players, and a coach who led us with great guidance. I was really happy the moment we won together last Spring. It's funny, though, because last year I was the rookie player, but now, since you're debuting after me, it feels like we've switched positions. Regardless, I'm happy that you have this opportunity, and I know you will do well!
But let's not get too ahead of ourselves, don't miss me after we beat you in LCS... If you even make it there! Either way, I'll see you at the end, fellow Pepeg.
-- Tactical

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