The second Singleton Gauntlet is coming July 10-13, and then a third one at the end of the month, July 24-27. There will be no other non-Standard Gauntlet's this month in Legends of Runeterra. This article gives you the best Singleton decks to conquer Legends of Runeterra's Gauntlet mode.
What is the Legends of Runeterra Gauntlet?
In the Gauntlet, the player's goal is to get to seven wins before suffering two consecutive losses. As a reward, they get bonus XP for the victories, helping them advance their Vault level, as well as exclusive icons.
While this sounds a bit underwhelming, Riot has promised that they will be adding more lucrative Gauntlet rewards, though have not confirmed whether this will happen with the Singleton Gauntlet this month.
What is Singleton Gauntlet?
"Singleton" is a card game term, describing decks where only one copy of a card can be used. This poses a very unique challenge to Runeterra deckbuilders, especially in a game where the champions are core win conditions in many of the top tier decks. Imagine playing a Vi/Heimerdinger Control and only being able to use only one copy of Heimerdinger in it. Where will your turrets come from?
[UPDATE 7/10] 7-win decks to play in Runeterra Singleton gauntlet
Warmother Control quickly became one of the best archetypes in Singleton Gauntlet. Between Freljord and Shadow Isles, the deck has a ton of board control and value minions, and you don't really need more than one Warmother's Call anyways. Perhaps the best, easiest control deck to play in the format.
If you want a brain challenge, this is the deck for you. PNZ/Ionia has long been the go-to control/combo synergy and this deck brings you exactly this. It puts together the best parts of Veimer Control and Ezreal/Karma Combo, and adds a pinch of Lee Sin for additional combo goodness.
You won't be bored playing this one, we promise.
Purrsuit of Perfection is one of those meme decks that players have always wanted to try on ladder, but it really is made for modes like Singleton Gauntlet. You already have to go out of your way to play 20 different cards, so dropping that 5-mana 30/30 killer kitten because all the easier.
Harrowing Aggro is already a top archetype in Ranked Ladder, but it's actually losing little in Singleton Gauntlet. Granted, pulling off all the synergies like Imperial Demolitionist/Crimson Disciple is not as consistent, but you have the same quick curve and more or less the same punching power. All six champions used fit the archetype well and you even make space for unorthodox, but highly-effective spells like Shunpo.
Another top Ranked Ladder archetype that is doing well in Singleton Gauntlet is Sea Monsters. It's one of the lesser popular decks, but it still hits hard once it gets Deep. The downside is that you can only run a single Nautilus and Maokai and you'll have to use champions like Twisted Fate, Elise, and Hecarim that don't fit the style that well. On the other hand, you get to play great non-Sea Monster units like Riptide Rex, Rhasa, and Ledros, so...
Alongside Noxus, Demacia is perhaps the best thematic region for Singleton Gauntlet. All of its units want to do one thing — curve and engage in combat — and there's a lot of synergy within the region itself, with powerful Allegiance cards like Vanguard Bannerman. Therefore, the Bannerman Midrange deck, spiced up with some Bilgewater Goodness for Miss Fortune and Citrus Dealer, is one of the best, straight-up, no-gimmick decks you can play in Singleton Gauntlet.
Everything we said about the Harrowing Aggro applies to Burn Aggro in Singleton Gauntlet. The six champions used curve extremely well and apply pressure from Round 1. This is a very unit-heavy deck and you'll use spells mostly for shoving in the last points of Nexus damage. Again, synergies aren't that consistent but then again, you can get to a point where you play Captain Farron and get free Decimates!
Esports editor and journalist of 10+ years. Lives on black tea and corgi love.
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