During a conversation with SK Gaming’s coach Paul "Kanani" Khouani, we had casually touched on the subject of building the perfect League of Legends team. In his thesis, he defends the building of a team with five Mid Laners in its roster, on top of exploring which LCK and LEC Super Teams he would build if given the chance.
Mid Lane is where the highest skill cap is put to test, according to Kanani: “It requires the most mechanical champions in the game, showing you a lot of aspects that make it for an easy transition into other lanes”.
A good draft is often built around what champion will be played in the Mid Lane, and teams are often tied in situations where they struggle when playing a full Top Lane or Bot Lane composition. “As a Mid Laner you get to see a lot of what is going on in the game, so playing around it is very effective”, says the coach.
“There is a lot of proof that Mid Laners are able to perform well in a role swap. Look at Ryu "Keria" Min-seok, who used to play in the Mid Lane before he swapped to Support, and he is absolutely outclassing his competition. Even in the EU, our Mid Laners are role swapping. In our team, the transition Janik "Jenax" Bartels went through made sense since he already played a lot of champions that were flexible for both Top Lane and Mid Lane.”

When asked to build an LCK all Mid Laner team, Kanani picked T1 Faker for the Mid Lane, in his traditional role. For Support, Afreeca Freecs Fly, and on AD Carry, the aggression of Showmaker. The Top Laner would be Chovvy, since just like Jenax, he plays Top Lane champions on Mid. The Jungler would be Bdd for his mechanics, I think this team would be truly great.
“For the LEC, I would have the best Mid Laner in Europe, Caps. For my Bot Lane, I would have Humanoid, because he already is very decent at AD Carries in solo queue. Support is a bit tough, but probably Nemesis since he is really good at communicating, and the opposite of Humanoid in terms of gameplay, so he can counter that aggressive style of his. In the Jungle, I would have someone that is proactive, like Larssen. For my Top Lane, maybe I would have Milica, but I only can’t pick Jenax because he is a Top Laner now.”
“These would be the perfect teams, I am certain.”
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