Women who work in the gaming industry are coming forward about the incessant abuse stories and gender discrimination haunting the ecosystem, featuring peers, colleagues, and public figures. This form of #MeToo movement has engendered the sorority of fellow members of the industry, showcased in diverse forms around the internet.
The outpouring of statements began with the exposure of inappropriate behavior by one of Destiny’s most known players by three female live streamers. Female peers have lent their platforms to shed light on abuse claims by members who have decided to remain anonymous. Streamer “MindofSnaps” shared a more substantial report by an unnamed source, regarding the player known as “SayNoToRage."
The anecdotes didn't stop there. Twitter user “Wickedscosplay” has shared the anonymous story of a woman who was drugged and subsequently sexually assaulted by Dota caster and former player Grant “GranDGranT” Harris. The accusation prompted a response to the allegations from Harris, and has apologized for his actions, deciding to leave the esports scene on top of being removed from the Evil Geniuses organization which released the following statement:
“Effective immediately, Grant "GranDgranT" Harris has been released and is no longer a member of Evil Geniuses. We have a zero-tolerance workplace policy, and take any accusation of harassment, or a violation of our policies handbook, seriously.”
Dota 2 caster and content creator Michelle "Moxxi" Song pronounced her dissatisfaction with the current state of the scene, urging community members to “stop pretending Dota was ever a ‘heaven’,” followed by “Stop pretending like you didn't know it was sh*t for women. You don't have to like me or my casting. But all this pretending like people didn't know this was going on is disingenuous and tired. It's time to make changes.”
Breanne Harrison-Pollock, the co-founder of ATEYO, shared the rules created between her and her partner Rachel Feinberg to ensure they survive working in the video games industry and its social gatherings. “We should not have to proceed with caution just to attend work events or monitor our behavior because of others' bad actions,” shares Pollock.
Back in 2014, the video games industry saw a similar movement. What was to be known as "Gamergate," a series of statements from women who took part in the gaming community and suffered some form of abuse from a male figure, prompted threats and aggressive behavior towards leading figures in the movement. Where this resurgence of statements will lead the games industry is still unknown.
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