After you progress through the game past Chapter 3, you get the ability to join an Air Squadron! Air Squadrons are the social or “guild” function in Exos Heroes and they allow you to reap all sorts of benefits while also finding new friends to play with.
Air Squadrons can have up to 30 members and is lead by a Master of the Air Squadron and their Deputy Master who is appointed. Each member has a chance to contribute via Air Squadron Experience points, but there is a limit to the points that can be earned by a single Air Squadron member.
Why contribute to an Air Squadron? For special titles and rewards! As an Air Squadron level’s up, each member gains extra rewards and benefits. Titles are divided into three categories:
Sailor: 7,140 contribution points needed
Bosun: 42,840 contribution points needed
Chief Mate: 85,680 contribution points needed.
Air Squadron Battles Coming to Exos Heroes on June 15th
What better way to flex your Air Squadron’s superiority than through glorious combat! The first season of Air Squadron battles go live on June 15th and allow players to participate in PvP battles and PvE Raids. These battles are held for 4 weeks at a time and allow Air Squadrons to rise in ranks whenever they win a battle or a raid. The more you win, the more rewards your Air Squadron will earn!
Note: An Air Squadron Master needs to sign up each Monday in order to compete. In addition, there needs to be at least 10 members who are ready to battle in order to participate.

Air Squadron Battles Primer:
Once an Air Squadron successfully signs up for a battle, they will face 7 other Air Squadrons throughout the week. The number of wins will determine an Air Squadrons group for next week; in other words, the most winning squadrons will face against each other each week!
Preparation phase: An Air Squadron Master decides whether they will participate in the weeks battle.
Grouping Phase: Eligible Air Squadrons that can participate are sorted and groups are determined.
Battle Phase: Opponents are determined and the battle takes place!
Settlement Phase: the battle is settled and the results are tallied!
Air Squadron Raid Primer

Two entries are allowed per day -- 150 Heroes vs. a giant boss!
Once the boss dies, another boss of a different element will arise after three hours have passed. In addition, the element of the heroes you can assign will depend on the element of the boss an Air Squadron is facing.
These battles are determined based on total combat power and, like Air Squadron Battles, offer rewards and prizes if defeated.
If you want to join an Air Squadron, check out the Exos Heroes DIscord group to find like-minded players with similar goals!
Warcraft 3 is my one true love and I will challenge anyone to a game of Super Smash Brothers Melee.
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